Not ranking up ever

Hey I wanted to share something with ya’ll. In the last year of me playing Overwatch I noticed that I barely rank up. I’m a tank main and I’m hardstuck g5(that’s my peak somehow). I really give my best and I end up with great stats in game , and somehow I can’t rank up. My friend who’s never played tank consistently today got his rank in tank and he got to a higher rank then me(the same happened in DPS btw). I know the new rank system is right over the corner but cmon guys its disappointing to see the same rank over and over again and not rank up and I think I truly deserve to rank up even a little bit because it makes not wanna play the game anymore. I’ll be glad to hear if any of you had a similar situation as me or if there’s a solution to it.


Welcome to the frustration group. Didn’t see any real improvement either…we’ll see what the new system brings, but to tell the truth I don’t not have a high hope.

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The game is a massive edited by moderator right now, wait for season 9. Don’t bother. You’re just going to get mindless toxic smurfing people all season since its close to the end. And to the people who say “get gud”, “skill isssue”, “copium”, please hold your breath and get a job. I had 6 wins in a row one day then the next day I lose 6 games, it’s all 50-50, you still either get £$%^ on or you roll them. There’s absolutely no incentive to play.

And I can refer you to many content creators who are suffering from the same thing.