Of gbdjdnd djxjc

Can’t even post without a mod reviewing my article. Wish they’d spend the money of fixing the game instead of making sure I don’t offend any snowflakes


It’s an automated system that looks for “trigger words”.

As an advice. If you think your post can trigger the algorithm, copy the whole thread before posting it. If it needs to be checked, paste it and try to find the possible “trigger word”.

Two “trigger words” for this would be, for example, “G4y” and “M0rderer”.

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Honestly don’t know when they implemented it but i’m glad…
People do hardcore flaming on the EU side of the forums and it stays for months before its removed…
Meanwhile on the US forum you use a 1st grader insult and your banned for an year in less then 5 min. <-- personal experience.

I would agree with that but the system has a flaw. There are actually 2 scenarios. First you can’t post the thread at all because it contains a forbidden word. Second, your post needs to be reviewed because it contains a forbidden word.

It might be useful because the mods don’t have to deal with threads containing obvious insults. However, you can still edit the thread to make it post friendly. If your thread needs to be reviewed by a mod, you can’t.

They should at least add a function to edit the post that needs to be investigated, just like posts who won’t get posted at all.

True that. 1st time i found about this was typing for an hour and i didn’t have it saved.
But it got posed about 6h later so i chilled. And it constrained the nono/trigger word and i was happy.

Like if your follow the code of conduct everything will be fine.

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Expect the topic to be locked soon, that also do that a lot.

Nannying the forums.

So what you’re saying is that you are so angry/triggered, that you can’t say anything without cursing?