Oooff, I hurts that role lock 2-2-2 will mostly likely not be in the game for a looong time

I personally feel that the dev team is prioritizing OWL over the competitive mode in-game.

I am in favour of 2 2 2, but not in the actual statte of the game. I think we need to have more healers and tanks before that happens, because we would have the old metas back

Woth forced 222, where is the creativity to adjust to the situation, or just to do something crazy that works??? This was/is the idea of ow, that you can play whatever you want, in any comp, and can adjust to the situation… Maybe you need more dmg and you need 3 dps, or you need 3 tanks because of heavy dmg you get…

No 222 will make the game way less fun and it is not as the game is intended

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The idea of Overwatch was that people would cooperate with one another to work toward the objective of the match. The lack of restrictions were there because it was thought that people would freely swap characters in attempt to overcome the obstacles encountered from their opponents.

Instead we have a game where a large portion of the player base wants to treat the game as a deathmatch mode where you happen to have some people on your team you can’t attack and kill, and thereby play selfishly to their needs by locking in DPS or one-trick in way that makes comps frustrating for those who intend to play the game the way it was designed.

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Exactly! And forcing role locking would only make it worse. We cant make up for bad DPS or bad any other role anymore. We are locked and powerless.

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forced 2-2-2 would be another nail in the coffin of this game.
OW is all about adapting to the enemy, fixed 2-2-2 would largely kill this aspect, leaving what?


Let me start by saying that from an idealogical perspective, I utterly agree with you, there should be freedom and flexibility in order for people to play what is needed by their team in an attempt to overcome their opponents.

However, when you consider the practicality of a system like this, you’ll find people are more inclined towards chaos than order, by which I mean people insta-locking heroes, hard one-tricking, picking a 4th DPS despite having 3 already, i.e: Playing selfishly, and not for their team.

Unfortunately, the existing approaches taken to deal with this chaos have not dealt with it at the low to middle ranks (Solo-healer Lucio games anybody? 4 DPS games anybody? Solo tank Zarya anybody?), and at the highest tiers of Overwatch, have given rise to very boring and confusing to watch gameplay. (24/7 3-3 comps anybody?)

The only way to bring some more order to this chaos would be to enforce rules such as a 2-2-2 role-lock.

Will a 2-2-2 role-lock “fix comp”? Of course not, at the end of the day, people’s wills are their own, so I’ve no doubt we’ll still get some questionable compositions in a 2-2-2 meta… I do firmly believe however, that there will be more consistency in a locked 2-2-2 meta. i.e: There will be far fewer games that you flat out lose just because the enemy had a sensible 2-2-2, and your team had 4 DPS and a solo healing lucio.

You also mentioned about switching to a 3 tank setup or 3 dps setup because you “need more damage” or the enemy “needs has too much damage”, remember that your enemy is also locked to the same 2-2-2 restriction, so realisticially you never “need more damage”, your team just needs to play better.

To deal with this issue, what I’d like to see Blizzard implement alongside locked 2-2-2 is SR being tied to role.

i.e: If I queue as a DPS, my SR should be tied to my being a DPS. If I queue support, I should have a separate support SR.

This way I can’t just climb on my comfort role (lets say support for examples sake), then decide I want to start practicing DPS once I hit diamond despite having potato aim.

Naturally Blizzard may not be inclined to make this change though, as some people deliberately buy multiple accounts for playing comp on different roles, which could result in money loss for them.

Aaaaah now we are talking, Blizzard and their support of smurfs.

Forcing roles will hurt the game pretty badly, definitely the worst idea the community has had since nerfing Mercy.