So he’s busy submitting support ticket now lol. But he showed me the email from blizz saying “evidence” that piled up to the ban… and i really wanna show it here cause i think half of it is… questionable lol
opponent team has some guy flaming our team (we usually duo or go with 3 ppl) after we won saying how were all sweaty try hards:
“salty loser”
ok “f” word abbreviation(not the word just f lol) but uh i dunno:
“reset…the f guys comms said fall back 3 times and we get stalled! regroup now”
ok not nice but i mean i dunno if this is ban material lol:
“what a bronze trash match”
hanzo oneshot with scatter. not flaming the guy just calling the ability bs really:
“lol this bs scatter arrow”
ok this match I know! we were tryingv 6v6 mode and actually all the match we were only 5 ppl on our team cause matchmaker went stupid, and we BARELY LOST. so he wanted to encourage us for doing really well for just being 5 ppl all game wrote:
“pretty good for 5v6”
nice ban reason lol?
now we had this guy in our team constantly complaining he wants to have doomfist so he went lucio and jumped of the map and kept asking “can i have df now already”. and someone from other team was like “whats your lucio doing???” so he told him:
“hes throwing because he cannot have doomfist”
why is it HIS fault and he gets banned for explaining that lol???
ok now same as the one above this isnt nice but uh i dunno, he didnt insult anyone directly but yeah, after the game what was realllly bad matchmaking:
“such bronze trash match man”
now he likes to “analyze” the situation so this is what he wrote:
“in comms we spammed fall back and still we get tank and 1 dps feeding and get stalled”
uh yeah well thats what happened whats wrong with trying to find out what we can improve??? i just dont see it
Well thats it. so let me know if u disagree or agree but tbh the main point here imo is that this shows that you just cant say ANYTHING in chat and should just turn it off 100% actually
now excuse me while i go play some solo matches lol