Hello everyone
Im loving the constant updates to the game the content is good and hopefully more players will come, but i have always had 1 issue with overwatch pc and thats controller, as you know currently when you connect a controller on pc overwatch you can play but there is a disadvantage which is aim assist being turned off (a crucial part of aiming on fps games with a controller) the issue with that is it makes the controller support useless and if you want to climb with ranked you have to play a tank like rien or your doomed,the thing is most casual players prefer controllers and i have seen alot of steam deck players ask for it since the game was added to steam, i know alot of pc players might complain about aim assist being added but they can change the aim assist strength and make it differ from the console version like capping the aim assist strength to 70% (some games already do that like apex)
It will make it alot more enjoyable for casual players and controller lovers like me and also balances the two inputs
I think the choice of input should be the players choice not which one being better because currently controller is not considered an option unless you want to be bronze.
Thanks everyone for reading
Have a nice day
Controller is not a supported device on pc right now.
Overwatch has always been like this, and only recently the dev team has started to act on people that use mouse and keyboard on console, which makes the game unfair because of the aim assist that consoles apply to any control device being used.
I don’t know if controller support will ever be added on pc, but as things are right now it seems unlikely.
As the devs don’t want people to trick their systems into giving them aim assist when playing on keyboard and mouse.
if controller isnt supported why are there controller settings on pc
Overwatch has always had controller support on PC. Just not aim assist.
That’s completely wrong it’s always supported controller it just hasn’t supported aim assist…
I play with WASD so bad that I plugged in my PS4 Controller on PC and it’s been relatively smooth sailing… as smooth sailing as it can be as a Tank Player who rather likes to commit to one character and hone Skill instead of playing Counterswapoverwatch
it supports controller. but does it support controller in comp on PC??
it also does support controller in comp, yes
I haven’t played in over a year because i moved to PC but still use a controller. Other games do it just fine but blizzard is blizzard.
Blizzard and whoever makes the game please fix this and give controller aim assist on pc. It doesn’t need to be 100% but cmon every single game is capable of doing it but this smh. maybe it can get the player base back up a little bit too
You don’t need aim assist on controller, for any game.