Overwatch 2 Spotlight: A New Era of Innovation and Excitement

yeah, until 80 it gives your misc items and after that you just until titles until 200.
Hilariously, you don’t even see your exact Battle Pass Rank after you passed those first 80 ranks^^

uh… yeah Hero Levels are just hidden in the profile, no body cares about having a platin hero level player in their game but uh! there is a Player with a Gold Border, nice

what I wanna say is, that it has a different effect with what we have now. Also the Small Number that showed your Account Level was nice.

I think the you gained a Star every 200 Account Levels and instead of 6 stars it gave you the Next Big Rank and Reset all your stars, which was quite the amount of Grinding to offer for just progressing your Account!

Ah. Fair enough. Maybe one day the battle pass will add something to the game. Until then, I’ll just play because I enjoy playing the game and what will be will be on that front.

I highly doubt that the Battle Pass of Overwatch 2 will ever improve, but I’d like to be wrong about that. Maybe they could just remove the expiration date of the Battle Pass for a start.

Same. But does it need to.

It seems to be at the market rate, offering about what you’d expect.

Sure, there’s more generous ones out there. But there’s also far more that are less so.

Seems like it’s in an ok spot.

Aaron Keller spoke about that recently. Isn’t going to happen any time soon as they don’t believe it would be worth it.

Found the quote for someone else yesterday

Additional Cosmetics are an Incentive for Players, The Battle Pass limits the accessability of Cosmetics not only momentarily but also monetarily. long ago I made a Forum Post about Battle Pass Reruns that has been blocked for whatever reason and funnily Overwatch 1 never had that Problem.

Sure, Overwatch 1 had Seasonal Exclusive Items, but they were just added and were made accessable every year. OW2’s Battle Passes run out and are gone forever. How that’s “not a big priority for the team” tells so much how they run this Game.

If Cosmetics are no big priority, why did they change the way of obtaining Gold/Jade Weapons? Though, I’m not pretending that Cosmetics should be the main focus, Cosmetics are still Important. Or how much money do they make each time a Mercy Skin is released?^^

IMO, it’s about Reward Structure and OW1 wipes the floor with OW2 in that regard. Now ofc OW1 was 40 bucks and OW2 is F2P and until Mauga even P2W but they should figure out someway to monetize. So having Battle Pass Reruns which are a way of monetising the game not being a big priority is kinda nuts. I mean if they don’t wanna monetize their F2P Game too much why don’t they fix their reputation? currently, they’re too silent to do so.

Disagree. OW1 you were always gambling to get what you wanted.

OW2, you can just go buy it.

And the way loot boxes will function, eliminates any need for old BPs staying open as it’ll be in the boxes at some point randomly (still a gamble, but not doing duplicates is a good change)

Aaron spoke about this recently. He said all they can do is try to make OW the best game it can be.

And I agree. Nothing else they can do.

double Disagree xD you got 25 Coins in OW1 for playing flex^^
that’s a much better reward than… what… 100 Battle Pass EXP for flex in OW2?^^

  • Lootboxes also could contain Coin rewards up to 500, if I remember correctly
  • you also can buy cosmetics in the Hero Gallery in OW1

then he still needs to do better, Jeff had the excuse of having a plan. About Aaron we don’t know and “making OW the best game it can be” is too broad because that’s every life service game’s goal. The Problem with the “2” in OW2 is a stigmatizing reminder to the promise they broke… (sorry for the cross reference there) without that stigma Overwatch can have a brighter future.

Ooo 25… :rofl:

Don’t we all.

All anyone can do is their best. If their best isn’t good enough and you still don’t like the game or what they do. So be it.

25 coins per match^^ and quick play is quick xD

that’s what I’m afraid of being the case

Probably why I had so many coins at the end. I used to just flex queue and play for hours in a row when I had nothing going on.

Life gets in the way now lol.

They can’t please everyone. Sometimes you’ll just go in different directions. Nothing wrong with that.

Just been trying to think if there was any OW1 feature that would genuinely improve my experience on OW2 …

I honestly don’t think there is.

Something’s that would be nice to have back, but they don’t impact the game.

for me it’s the small things:
auto queue, portrait border account level progression (where the lootboxes should be tied to), on-fire bar below the playername, number value display for kills/assists/working towards the objective

These I was thinking of when I said…

But they don’t actually make the game better or worse, and they certainly aren’t going to change how I play and what fun I have. My fun comes in the game where there is that one gobby chap on the team demanding swaps (never saying what to and what the plan is…), yet you still win… then they appear on the enemy next game. Win or lose… that is glorious. Getting to bully them and saying absolutely nothing to them. Lovely feeling.

But then I remember the forums has so few people active, it isn’t even a quiet voice.

I have to be honest, there was nothing in this spotlight that I actually wanted beyond the 6v6 competitive season.

I don’t like perks. I don’t like that the attitude of the balance team is now to “balance for fun”. That’s not condusive to making a great game. That results in a chaotic mess of a game that’s thoroughly unbalanceable and intrinsically uncompetitive.

I have no interest in stadium. I’d much rather (since PvE is no longer on the table) those maps and modes, I.E. payload race, we’re added to the core map set and that time went into developing more maps and more heroes sooner.

Speaking of heroes, I appreciate greater cultural representation in a hero from Denmark but she looks like Widowmaker and her kit isn’t interesting. She has Hanzo’s Leap, Doomfists old Uppercut without the knock up, Ashe’s secondary fire. It’s compounded by the fact that she’s completely irrelevant in the lore. We’ve never heard of her before and lots of the recent lore hints pointed towards the next hero being Emre (an important figure in Overwatch as an organisation). And on top of all that, when we quite clearly need more tanks and supports to balance out the roles, I’m more and more frustrated that we got another damage hero.

Most of the above problem are further exacerbated in hero 44, codenamed Aqua. I feel like we used to have a good mix of lore relevent heroes that had been established before and new heroes that we hadn’t seen before. This seems to have completely gone out the window it that we haven’t had a lore relevent hero since Mauga. It would be really nice to get more of that, especially when heroes like Illari could have been Merembe and Frajia could have been Emre.

Lootboxes returning as a battlepass reward is ok. I don’t mind it. I’d rather engineering time was spent on other things as described above and the battlepasses were permanently being unlocked.

In terms of cosmetics, I don’t inherently dislike them but I’m really weirded out by the fact that a) there are no “Doki Doki” skins for male characters and b) that all the characters “Doki Doki” skins have really short skirts. It just seems like really obvious sex appeal to sell skins rather than the tasteful and well thought out design that I’d argue many Overwatch skins of the past have been known for. Further to all that, I don’t know if there’s a legitimate connection here but to me, it seems like an odd coincidence that we get a lot of Asian themed skins at the same time as Overwatch is returning to China. And lastly, I really hope we get more skins for male characters in the next La Serrafim collaboration. And feel like this is particularly important considering Overwatch’s historic strength in it’s representation.

Understandable view.

But it seems to be working for other games, so why can’t it work for OW.

I’m afraid I’m not sure which games you mean. Would you provide some examples please?

Well the big obvious example is Rivals.

Yeah they are making balance tweaks, as OW will and do. But the focus is on it being fun.

Hero bans can be used to remove outliers from the pool.

Interesting. I thought you list games like League of Legends or World of Warcraft. With that said, Marvel Rivals is a horribly unbalanced mess of a game. Sure it’s fun every so often but it’s also a completely broken and unbalanced. It has no competitive integrity at all. And from a short term perspectiveis it’s not a huge issue but it’s completely unhealthy from a long term perspective. It’s like eating a chocolate bar vs a banana. Long term the banana is going to be much better. So obviously, no. It’s going to rot the game from the inside out. That said if 6v6 doesn’t contain perks then it’s not an issue for me because 6v6 is all I really want to play. Also, hero bans are only good if it’s used to inform balance rather than as an excuse to be lazy with balanceing the game.

If I’d ever played them, maybe. But I can’t reference something I’ve never played.

Agree. But, you can’t deny, it is very popular atm, and people seem to be having a lot of fun. (I have uninstalled).

Remember, sometimes games don’t need to be complicated. MR is a blunt instrument of a game, and it will do well because of that.

Games just need to focus on what makes them fun. The players will find a way to make it competitive if they want.

Marvel Rivals in only popular because it’s still new. Give it six months to a year and I’m sure that hype will have gone and people won’t find it fun anymore.

Marvel Rivals has overly bloated, overcomplicated heroes and is overly bloated and overcomplicated for it. What made Overwatch brilliant was that it was simply designed characters with low skill floors and high skill ceilings interacting in complex ways. So overcomplicating overwatch with more and more things just dilutes and spagettifies the game to the point where it’s so hard to understand what’s going on to the point where it’s no longer that “blunt instrumen” of a game to quote you from above.

I’m quite sure in a years time the community will wake up and smell the coffee on perks being bad for the game and they’ll want them removed. Like Marvel Rivals “wacky” balance and 5v5, perks are just in a honeymoon phase which will wear off and people will release how horrible they are for game balance.