Overwatch ban for nothing


please anyone from comunity or somenone from Blizzard support for help.
I appologize for my bad english.

I received 3.7.2021 email with information my Overwatch account is banned. My Blizzard account is very, very old (since 2007) and I invested a lot of money in it (to WoW, Overwatch and other games). I’m 46 years old fair player and I’ve never used a hack. My account is secured (with authenticator / email / phone number) and never been shared with another user. On my PC I have install ESET Smart Security (antivirus and firewall software).

I’m huge fan of Blizzard games. I’m sorry, I will be personal now. I’m very and long time sick and Overwatch together with World of Warcraft are my great passion and joy. These games help me relax and forget about my problems.

All used softwares and utilities, which I have installed on my PC, I use for years and I’ve never noticed any problems with Blizzard products.

I don’t believe what happened. It must be a mistake. I never thought I would have to deal with something like that.

This is content of the email:

Account Action: Account Closure - Overwatch Account
Offense: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (“hacks”)

Recent activity on this account shows the use of an unauthorized cheat program, also known as a “hack”, which harms the intended player experience.

The account holder is responsible for all activity on the account. We issue suspensions and closures to protect our players and our service in accordance with our Blizzard EULA: https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html.

We don’t take this decision lightly. Our team issued this closure after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals. For more information, see our article: Blizzard Support - Appealing a Silence, Suspension, or Ban

After I open ticket, I received this answer:

From: Saryndie


Thank you for contacting us regarding the recent account action taken against your account.

After a review of the evidence, I’m afraid that the penalty was applied correctly, due to a breach of our terms of use.

Please refer to the email you have received for the details.

We now consider this matter closed and will not discuss it again.

I don’t know what to do now.

Thank you very much for any help.

After what happened, I’m worried about my WoW account. It’s currently fully functional, but if I don’t know what happened to my Overwatch account, I’m afraid the same thing may happen to my WoW account.

You’re hacking. This is your punishment.


Greetings,you should not hacking mate thats not fair to the others players especially at 46 year of life,second thing,about punishment you never should talk on forums,but I saw you even copy/past ban message and replay.If the ban is for nothing as u claim,why did you get ban in 2021 but playing WoW since 2007 and Overwatch probably since 2016,if is for nothing you should get much more early.I wish you lucky in the future.

I’m also using ESET so it’s most definitely not conflicting with the game.

Overlay programs such as Geforce Experience shouldn’t be a problem, though ones like visor.gg can be considered as cheating thus resulting in a ban.

Knowing you have completely secured your account with the authenticator and phone number, we can definitely say it’s happening on your computer and not on another client.

Do you use any kind of overlays?
There’s also a possible link between cracked software such as windows interfering, though this is unconfirmed.

If possible, please submit a ticket asking what activity was found by them that raised suspicion, though there is a likely chance they aren’t going to release said information with you. (This measure is taken most likely to prevent cheaters from masking their activity)

According to the EULA cheats fall under:

  1. cheats; i.e. methods, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

This may or may not include

  1. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;

So abusing exploits (such as glitching out of the map or other exploits that gives you an advantage) are included in this category. (This is allowed within custom games, as long it isn’t done in official servers as far I’m aware)

The mail states it was a “cheat program” so I’m not sure whether or not their system is automated or if there really was a program in the background.

Blizzard’s anti-cheat is most certainly not defective, cases like these are extremely rare and i don’t think there’s a reason for anyone to believe you this easily.

Also since you most likely have violated the EULA, only getting your Overwatch license revoked is quite a light punishment. If Blizzard wanted they could’ve shut down your entire access to the battle.net platform.
If there is any reason for them to think you’re also cheating in other games, high chance they will take action there.

P.S Said game master has been working quite some time, if they have reviewed your case and still kept the verdict then i think it’s most likely that you were indeed using unauthorized programs or abusing exploits.

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SYSTEM: Thank you for your informations.

I use these Overlay programs:

  • Geforce Experience
  • Rivatuner Statistics Server

Both I use many years without problems.

I don’t use any exploits, broken game mechanics, macros or 3rd party software … I’m only play the game.

People have been banned for using that for years.

Just keep appealing and submitting a ticket.

As far as the game is concerned a 3rd party application is reading the data… and that is an automatic red flag.

Grayfox is correct in that the software we’re referring to isn’t information on your personal PC’s usage. It’s software used to glean the information you shouldn’t otherwise have in the game world, or which allows you to manipulate the game world in ways that are not intended.

Examples of this would be aim hacks, play bots, radar mods as Grayfox mentioned, programs that attempt to crack, data mine, or modify the source code of the game, etc. The types of programs you’re mentioning are fine because the information you’re getting is just amplifying or monitoring the performance of your own hardware, not your performance in-game.

According to them, this software should be allowed, though do note it might cause conflicts:

RTSS (Riva Tuner Statistics Server) is not restricted but you should be aware it has been known to conflict with our games, often leading to crashing so we pretty much will ask for it to be removed if we need to troubleshoot an issue you’re having.

That could be why it was triggered, if you have cheats for other games active in the background or still injected in memory then it might also prove conflicting though I don’t think that actual cheats were the trigger here then.

The best I can recommend is creating tickets regarding said software in the hope of getting an unban.

SYSTEM: Thank you for next information.

I sent all information about overlay programs and other information that came to my mind.

But unfortunately no one wants to communicate with me. So it’s probably over for me with the game Overwatch :frowning:

It is sad how easily and without appeal you can get ban. Obviously, it doesn’t matter if you cheat or not. Sad…

Just keep submitting tickets, they will respond properly eventually.

Sadly they will try use the fact that it clearly states they will never overturn account actions… but it does happen occasionally, just takes effort.

Given the features coming with Windows 11, if you and devs have the right things activated, cheating will be alot easier to spot and harder to do. But always wise to not have any tracking overlays active.

I don’t know what’s the problem with those bans, I’m so unlucky my account got hacked then I recover it then my email got banned, and the problem resolved but know my overwatch account got banned and all of that happen with no reason and I didn’t got an email of the ban or anything

Me and all of my 8 friends who play this game have been using rivatuner ever since launch of overwatch without any problems. :thinking:

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Overexerted emotional argumentation is very SUS when someone is trying to convince people that he didn’t cheat, lol
On another hand, I wonder what was the evidence, somehow I don’t trust Blizzard employees competence since they can’t handle their own forums :man_facepalming:


Ladies and gentleman. Can we stop the necro posting. Thanks

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stop necroposting …,

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RIPBOZO Eat it nerd lol

Never claimed to be. Necro posting however is annoying and against the CoC

No, it’s not :man_facepalming:


Yea it is. You clearly haven’t read this then… Literally in the pinned welcome message.

Don’t “bump” posts.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”). Users who are found to be bumping posts will be subject to forum account suspension and post removal.

He’s replied to someone that posted on a post from 2019 and he didn’t have a problem with the “Necro post” then. lol

“lol” please can we stop bumping this thread. People needed to be reminded, as Jinxter has proven people haven’t bothered reading the rules.

Thank you.