Overwatch Comp is RIGED its funy actualy

its like stryxus all over again ahah that guy …

I have no idea what/who stryxus is.

haha then never mind

Holy f. I googled it and you prolly mean a streamer. I watched him play 5mins of QP and I really hope hes trolling or thats some high level of mental handicappness. I see those guys some times, no matter of the rank those are the worst because they are usually not even trolling they are just mentally handicapped af. FeelsBadMan.

ye there was a big forum of him saying he deserves diamond and he got like 10% accuracy with zen :smiley:

toxic, plays like trash, when dead flames team
cant even aim properly against immobile targets (symm turrets)
tries trick shots when cant aim at all
dies to symm turrets → respawns and goes to die those same turrets again before anyone else even could have killed them → flames team because of that

Well ive seen those guys in diamond too but at least they can aim a bit better. But yeah… The 5mins of material goes to somewhere in silver in my eyes. Well tbh the 5mins I watched is more of bronze material but I guess that was just hes worst IDK. Maybe hes bronze, maybe silver. Maybe even low gold if hes playing something else than widow.

Yep, it’s been there from the beginning. Loss streak (potential lost customer) protection. If you lose too many games you get placed with people that have been winning, and vice versa, on the same note if you are on a win streak, you get placed with people who have been losing. All in the name of “balance”, quite the joke and unbelievably poor design.

Says who? Ive never seen this happen. Many bronze to gm streamer etc before they started to get banned. They never experienced those. I never experienced those. Ive never heard anyone with hard proof from that expect “i had win streak then i lost a game, that means my tinfoilhattheory is correct”. I mean I dont know mentally handicapped you have to be to think that you should just keep going with you win streak and never lose or if you happen to lose its because of blizzards evil system thats there just to f you up. If that would be true you would have a 10 wins streak, lose one, boom streak gone and you go again for 10 wins. And that keeps cycling, 10 wins 1 loss. But its not like that, isnt it?

enjoy the read

sidenote they removed this from diamond and above :wink:

If you average a 50% win rate the system correctly placed you. If you are winning more games then losing you will climb. If you are losing more, you will drop. So saying its “Rigged” is a bit too excessive. Practising will make your win percentage higher and therefore climb more