Overwatch Comp is RIGED its funy actualy

deal with it

read up on MMR
then Read up on how the matches have to be FAIR (idk how this is actualy fair) and have a 50/50 chance of win or loss

say a football or baseball match and the referee picks the players

he says well this guy is 2 good so the rest of his team must be worse then the other guys

goes to the other team and gives them average players

then says well now its fair ! i think they both have a chance to win

then say the prize was a cookie ( lol xD ) per player
and if u lost u had to pay money

the referee goes well the good player on that other team won so he gets the full cookie
his teammates get half a cookie or less ( again lol )

if this team lost the good player would pay say 1 Eur/Dollar
the rest of the team would pay 2 or more dolars/Eur

the average team gets about a cookie , and pays about a dolar/eur if they win or lose

the referee decided the prizes , and the penalties ( afther the game was played )

also screwed over the good player . and gave an advantage to the average team , but on paper it looks like 50/50 xD

welcome to overwatch Comp Enjoy :wink:

I have absolutely no idea what you just said. My only complaint is there should be no BS of one team having a better chance at winning. Who want’s to go into a game thinking you could possibly have a much lower chance of winning. It’s just bs.

If you average a 50% win rate the system correctly placed you. If you are winning more games then losing you will climb. If you are losing more, you will drop. So saying its “Rigged” is a bit too excessive. Practising will make your win percentage higher and therefore climb more

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but they try and keep your winrate at 50% have you ever been on a winstreak then you get brain dead teammates for like the next games. and its so obvious that they put people on winstreaks on teams that are on losing streaks to “balance” it. i cant count the amount of times im on a roll and get into a game and i ask how everyone is and one guy says “well i’ve lost my last 6 games”. its more obvious during placements say im 6 and 1 ill go into a game were a guy is 2 and 7. thats how they “place” you at the right SR and keep it 50%.

They already put a fix for this 2 patches ago.
You just need to use it.

Don’t let blizzard decide who are in your group


yep and they nerfed the sr u get while on a team xD

also when u are on a team they screw u over with the oponents xD but yes its better to group up

welcome to overwatch comp :grin:

I mean why dont you just get better instead of complaining if you deserve higher you will get it the problem is you players think the ladder as you have to climb it without improving if you get better you will climb thats for sure or maybe main mercy and get someone to carry you there is alot of that in the high ranks.

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if that was the case no one would play FPS at all u get steamrolled then git gud then u start to enjoy the game more . overwatch didnt invent the genre , its diferent but its still an FPS. the devs just tried to reinvent the gunpowder and failed.

if say u go run a marathon and never ran in your life u know ure not gona win but its fair couse everyone gets the same chance and prizes etc

the sistem in place is unfair .

If you put me on a gold account it would be masters in a few days the system is fine trust me just improve.

But i do agree that after diamond its luck with the teams but you can still have a big impact on the game.

but for the lower ranks? you have personal stats that increase your sr when i play in gold i get like 40 sr a win and 10-15 a loss its so easy.

denial doesnt get you anywhere .

the game is not gona change i am still gona play it .
just the those git gud theories dont work.

the only thing that works is HARD CARRIES period

Yes so be the hard carry then and improve if you cant carry then you dont deserve the above average ranks there is alot of bad players in diamond that get there from luck or been boosted alot of smurfs in plat also but what is stopping you from doing the same?

dude sistem is broken .

what ure saying is dont complain about it even tho u know how to use it

think… its comp … why the hell do i need to have a 50% winrate ?

ITS THE ONLY FPS GAME i know that does this and i have been playing for yrs

screw fair , give me unfair . the ranks will balance the players out by skill

ok let me explain see it this way if you was put in a bronze-silver match you would hard carry it right?

When you get close to the rank you are supposed to be at it slows down this is what happend to you and when you improve you will go to diamond but untill then you just need to practice i would say you would struggle in gold right?

Thats because you are close to your real rank when this happens.

Also when you get 50% winrate it means you are at the rank you belong i have around a 80-90% winrate in plat and 60% in masters because i am coming close to the rank i belong at understand?

This post is so braindead so no point trying to discuss with op but I gotta say to this:

They dont. Thats just how a working elo system is unless you are insanely good or bad. If your anywhere between “high” bronze or low gm you are going to have around 50% win rate if you play enough unless you climb or drop in one season. So no they dont try to keep you at 50% WR. Its just how it naturally comes out if its working.

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let me put it this way u win u get sr u lose u lose sr , by that standart u get to your rank , if they lock the sr game to a range if ure better then that range u go up if ure not u go down. why complicate it ? ure real rank is decided by how many matches you win . not getting less sr for a win and losing more couse they SYSTEM thinks so . thats bull

and they wonder why ppl derank acounts etc lol.

I get more SR in plat because i am better than you and i belong to a higher rank why do you believe that you belong to a higher rank i dont understand you are in denial.

I mean blizzard did a good job with the private profile so we can no longer check but i mean im guessing your stats would be of a low plat right?

nope and this is not my main acount also :stuck_out_tongue: xD
doesnt matter what rank i am on a broken sistem , has no merit

let me put it this way the fastest way to go up is to make a new acount xD thats how good its built

You are right there i agree new accounts you can make your stats look alot better because your first account you was learning the game does that not make sense but you can do it on your main account if you are good enough.

Then what rank is your main account please post on it

Not main account.
Over lvl 600… Yeah sure ok buddy.