Overwatch competitive matchmaking is a joke (forced win rate)

I lost a lot of games against obliviously much better teams and then to not lose too many matches it literally put me into a bot lobby just now?
The poor people in that game just got destroyed and didn’t even shoot back.
As a support solo queuer this is just horrendous, it was literally predetermined who will win and not even close in skill difference to any game I have ever played before.
That was the most horrendus matchup I was ever a part of just to give me a win. Disgusting.

Replay code: XDWC8M

EDIT: My rank was previously gold 3 to give you a feel for the MMR that I should be in (but I know gold is so easy so it fits hahaha -.-)

EDIT 2: Next game I faced a plat tank so this is so fun, can’t wait to derank to bronze at this point.