Overwatch disconnecting during Competetive

Okay, i’m genuinely tired of this, I’m mid diamond and the fact that Overwatch decides to disconnect me from the servers ONLY when i’m playing on comp is not helping me get out at all, I seriously can’t stand getting banned from comp and losing 50 sr every time because of this issue, It NEVER happens to me during other game modes, only in comp. And it’s the reason for more than half of the leavers that I’ve seen so far, because most of them come back even though they’re winning, and when i ask them why they left they say that they dc’d, but their internet is still working, so it couldn’t have been a net disconnection, same goes for me. I’m sometimes in a discord call while playing or i’m listening to spotify, yet they’re still both working a-okay when i’m kicked out of the game, now you can start saying that the discord or spotify is at fault and it’s causing the dc (which i already got a few times)… That’s stupid. How the hell would they be at fault if it happens without any other programs using up my internet connection? Please just at least explain why the hell Jeff keeps kicking me from my god damn games and making Diamond more of a hellhole than it already is, not the mention the increasing amount of dumbasses that infest my games and then i’m warned for abusive chat when I tell them to switch off or why their little gold damage medals are worth just about the same as a handful of dirt.

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SAME here SAME here S A M E H E R E

I get the same issues since a while, game freezes, kicking me out with a login error. I can reconnect almost immediately tough. Zero problems in other games/apps. Looks like Blizz is starting to cut down costs again…