Overwatch has the worst matchmaking of any game

This game’s matchmaking is atrocious.

I hop into quick play to warm up, and I get matched against GM and top 500 players. My Career high SR is 3667 (currently unranked). I couldn’t play with those players in comp. But, I’m forced to play against them in quick play. This would be fine, if I was also getting matched against silver and gold players (similarly to how CoD matchmaking places you with players of various skill levels), but I’m not. It makes it playing quick play completely pointless. I’m just better off warming up in competitive against players that are my skill level instead of just getting destroyed by players that are drastically better than me.

Competitive matchmaking is bad enough. By the time I’m warmed up, I’m already fed up and don’t want to play anymore. Blizzard is doing their best to make this game not fun at all, it seems.


Your SR says little, to be quite fair. It’s based on your performance over 10 matches compared to how you did the season before, and from there it’s just adjusted through your wins or losses, not actual skill-skill.

Since winning or losing isn’t solely dependent on your personal skill but on that of 5 other people as well as how tenacious you are, you can safely say that SR isn’t quite indicative of skill as much as it’d like to be.

If anything, it sounds/looks like your matchmaking rating is off the wazoo though; either you had a real good few matches the day before or you had an amazing streak.

Thing is, perhaps your SR is skewed because you did mediocre during placements, or you were a lower SR from the first season you played and climbed all the way to where you are now. The SR will always deviate to past averages to rule out flukes, lucky streaks or boosting during placements.

tl;dr: You are at the level of those GM / T500 players according to the matchmaking rating, but places you in people your SR in comp because that’s just how those systems work. You’re one of those people stuck in “ELO Hell” who’d quite possibly be put in a far higher SR tier on a fresh account :wink:

I need help for the matchmaking its a sh** becouse in rank i was in gold and the sh** of matchmaking go me to plat and i need somebody help (if he is in plat of course) to go gold and my battletag its AndyXSnow#2531

Hi Andy,

You can post here to look for other players to play with on PC.

Yeh the placements are pretty bad, last season i only won 2 out of my 10 placements and got ranked 2600 which i understand and i also did extremely bad in most the games. But this season i won 8 of my placements and only got ranked 2287 even though i got between 30-50 kills every match and also got gold medals every match…

It says ur avg elims are way under 30. So I call bs :smiley:
Also you average gold medals are slightly over 1 gold per game. :wink:

Yeh the placements are pretty bad, last season i only won 2 out of my 10 placements and got ranked 2600 which i understand and i also did extremely bad in most the games. But this season i won 8 of my placements and only got ranked 2287 even though i got between 30-50 kills every match and also got gold medals every match…

The matchmaking isn’t the problem. Smurfs and disruptive multi-accounters are.

Neither of them really are.

It’s all a problem tbh

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