Overwatch is dead ( to me)

After blizzard had permanent banned my sons account Ramiro i find no more fun in the game. We were playing together and without a reason hè got a ban. There was nothin wrong. I dont know the days before what hè Done, but hè sure wishes nobody cancer or other diseases while other players do for example when i play symmetra. Hè had almost every achievement in the game, while hè is still 12 years old. We payed for the game, and this is result… its not fair and i Will never ever spend a dime to blizzard again. And i hope the game dies with their policy… yes i am toxic now and i like to smack someone face…

Maybe something to get himself banned?
Don’t be a blind parent. Every single kid does dumb things.

Go and contact their support instead of coming to the forums talking about how you wish the game to die and wanting to hit people in the face.

Nobody in Overwatch gets a perma ban without a reason. Maybe try to open your eyes that your son is not an angel but probably a toxic douchebag.
You sound like an entitled parent to me…

(Ive seen some of my friends getting bans, but not one of them got a perma ban so your son must have done something really stupid)

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