Overwatch is dead

why need 4+min waiting for find one game ?! really now ?!..and if they find is full gold and silver players vs low bronze like me … :expressionless: very bad game system, I will not recommend it to anyone

no your rank just might have not so much players on what ever game mode you play or everyone is sleeping

Almost no player is bronze, the fact it takes so long is because there is no one on your skill level to play against. The times are shortest in gold and plat. While I do agree the game has certainly lost a lot of players the reason your q times are long is not because of that.

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I had 13 minutes queue time plenty of times, once almost 23 minutes while solo queuing in Diamond.

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How is that even possible, my longest q time ever is like 6 mins and that is when 6-stacking

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well i’ve never experienced long queue times as i’m in gold, but i’d understand that some people would in higher and lower ranks because there’s a smaller player base

Are we just ignoring that he is lvl 19 and cant play comp?

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It’s been like this since the start. I bought the game only 2 months after it was released and even then waiting times were horrendous since the system seems to be unusually picky when it comes to sorting people into matches.