Overwatch server issues (losing connection mid game)

Well, I have lost 3 ranked games because of blizzard’s bad servers now.

The error in particular is “lost connectivity to game server”, on occasion it also signs me out entirely asking me to re-login.

I have flushed DNS, reset my router, ran an antivirus test, made sure my firewall is off, made sure all my drivers are up to date, made sure windows is up to date, I’m on full fibre 910mbps internet, using ethernet direct connection as well, restarted my PC, uninstalled & re-installed battle net client, un-installed & re-installed overwatch 2, but no still after 3 hours of doing everything under sun, this trash game is still disconnecting me mid ranked game.

I honestly quit the game for over 3 years, and only recently returned, not sure why I bothered, abysmal state of a game.

And yes it’s ONLY an issue with overwatch 2, literally all of my other games work perfectly, blizzard needs to sort their sh*t out, unreal.


Same here in customs, logs me out as well.

It’s very odd that the game is so immature, that you can just lose connection to a server.

Whereas if you play CS/Dota, much older games, they never disconnect.

Blizzard have a long way to go with their development.