Overwatch stutters and massive fps drops

somewhere around season 7-9 i started getting huge fps stutters. id be playing with a normal 130 fps then it drops all the way to 30 and back up. i have tried so many things and its just completely unplayable at this point. please help me out. here are the files you usually ask for:

MSInfo23:MSInfo23 - Pastebin.com
DxDiag:DxDiag - Pastebin.com

I was having similar issues. It turned out to be because of another application I had running in the background.

Worth checking just in case.

tried this out before and didnt work. its probably worth mentioning that i was running the game just fine before this

Yeah same. My game runs perfectly fine, until this one application decides it wants to do something, then frames drop, even gone down to 7fps briefly.