I am currently experiencing micro stuttering every 4 or less seconds (normally) when playing OW2 and it is borderline unplayable, limiting me to only play junkrat. 
Here is a video showing it.
What i have done so far is
download again
scan & repair
Downloaded latest drivers for my graphics
Any insight would be very helpful
Dude i can tell you that this problem exists for many (including me!). It may look a little different for everyone, but in general it is the same everywhere.
It has something to do with the server connection, because when I look at the graphs and evaluate them, I see that you donβt even have a packet loss, but that the ping makes a very short deflection.
Because of this fact, it is REALLY not possible for you to fix this problem.
Render Scale min / max to 75%
Deactivate ambient occlusion and dynamic reflections
Tripple Buffering / Reduce Latency what ever doesnt even work properly with higher Framerates because they re useless.
Those lags coming btw every 5 secs and are with those fixes much more to be endured.
The Main Improvement comes from the Render Scale stuff.
To be clear: It is the Latency from the Server that create those issues not your Connection. There is no workaround - just small things you can adjust to reduce the overall impact.