OWL will lose its Eu supporters if this continues

As far as I’m aware there is no Eu store for the OWL merch and due to shipping and customs, we would have to pay an extra $50 to buy a jersey on top of the normal price of the jersey. I think blizzard really needs to look at this through fear of losing a massive Eu watcher base. They made great additions in the off season adding another Eu team that even turned out to be an all European roaster but this needs to be addressed.

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You really shouldn’t care about the OWL. And you realise that it costs money to ship internationally, they won’t open a new store unless there’s a profit.

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So if you’re a Overwatch fan, and love E-sports competition, you shouldn’t be interested in the OWL?

Sounds to me just like you don’t like it.


You’re right that I don’t like it, not a secret. Blizzard’s priorities with this game aren’t that great.

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Like you are an bussines expert… Sure its good priority for them because it generates a lot of money. But sure it doesnt mean they should not focus stuff game need instead of new skins for example.

Considering they said themselves that the developers don’t visit the European forums, only the U.S ones, it’s fair to say Europe (eu is different) takes a back seat as second class citizens. They won’t even see this topic.

You shouldnt even support OWL in the first place.OWL is the reason why OW is in just as poor state right now.


Btw there is an eu store bought my OWL hoodie from there just have to pay shipping

I think its just sad that the EU store is EU exclusive.
Switzerland has to order from EU to Germany or pay 91$ shipping from US to Switzerland.

Crazy, why not just use EU if its closer? I wouldn’t mind like 10$ shipping from eu to Switzerland, but only showing EU countries is a bit weak imho.

They could make the customer pay the up-price for delivery outside the EU.
Nope, we should better order over the ocean, sounds way better :disappointed_relieved: