Patch Proposal - Zen's Discord Orb increases damage done to Discorded Hero's shields (projectile or all?)

What if Zen’s Discord Orb could increase damage done to that Discorded Hero’s shields?

This could just apply to projectile shields rather than personal shields, so as a change it would impact less heroes…

Overall it would immediately impact target prioritization for Zenyatta players, but would it help to reduce the strength of shields in a tactical, subtle way while making (1) Support Hero with ranged attacks (which complements the current meta) a much more viable choice?

Is this something that people can test within a game dev. environment/sandbox?

I know Zen’s lack of drop-off damage could also play into Zen’s ability to help shred shields safely on maps.

Let me know what people think, I was just watching September 14th’s NYXL/Vancouver e-sports highlights and thought this. Constructive feedback is needed.

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Certainly not the worst idea I’ve ever seen. I feel that in today’s meta, the best Zen buff would be to remove the timer from his harmony orb (meaning that one would never time out). That would allow for easier flanking which in itself counters the tanks that place shields.

Biggest problem with it is probably technical. So far, shields are completely neutral to every bit of damage. The damage something has when it gets to the shield is the damage that gets absorbed. Nothing does extra damage to shields, nothing does reduced damage to shields. Hero damage on the other hand can be modified by a plethora of things. So it stands to reason that a mechanic to change up shield damage would have to be built from scratch - and maybe it’s even a design choice to keep it that simple.
I might be wrong on that account, but to me it explains why new Symm who is built as a shieldbreaker doesn’t just do extra shield damage.