PC Device Drivers Disconnect

So i just got Overwatch for my pc and I am having some trouble installing and updating the game. Whenever I try to launch the blizzard desktop app and update overwatch I start losing functionality to my devices one by one. First my wifi device goes out, and then it’s my keyboard. Until finally it cuts my mouse off. Once that happens the only way to restore them is to reset my PC. Once its rebooted everything’s works as normal. Now I know it has something to do with battle.net , due to the fact I’ve been running steam just fine all day. It only seems to happen when I try to launch battle.net. Any help. Note: I can send yall the event Logs if that helps?

Hello GameWizzard,

An issue like this could ultimately be a symptom of something going wrong with the operative system or the hardware. If nothing helps, I would recommend taking your computer to a local technician so they can make sure everything works properly.

Make sure both your operative system and drivers are up to date:

Delete the Battle.net Cache folder:

Delete the Battle.net Tools folder:

Close background applications to make sure there’s no other program interfering with the game:

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Thanks I figured it out though. Just gonna leave this here for anyone else. Anyway it looks like my wifi adapter which is a netgear is causing a crash due to it being under heavy load. When it crashes it causes every usb on my pc to crash. So I switched it to one of my usb 3.0 ports instead of 2.0. It works longer now but it still crashes. On the bright side it doesnt crash my mouse and keyboard ports now when I’m trying to update overwatch.