[PC - EU] LF “older” gamers 25+ (chill and mature)

Heya all! I kind of got to a point, where it is really hard to find people to play with from my age group. I am currently 28 yo. I am playing on PC and on EU servers.

I usually avoid talking on team voice (cos, I am a girl, and I wouldn’t want to deal with what that would trigger), but we could definitely talk on discord, or something for comms.

Everyone is welcome if can be a decent human being, and can have fun without being toxic. ^-^
I usually chill on QP, but can be pursued to try comp sometimes too (plat-dia supp, other roles are gold-plat).
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! c:

Tag: Sinesong#2456

Heya. 32 yo male here. I am just getting back to Overwatch only thing holding me back is lack of friends to play with. QP sounds more than enough for now. I usually play tank or dps. Not the best player but always looking to give my best. Usually play during evening. RAndomly sometimes during the daylight hours. I sent you a friend request in case you still play and need company :slight_smile:

Nice! Sounds good! c: