Peeple stop picking widow in arcade

i hate it when every god damn arcade game you go in some one picks widow and does nothing more then dies constantly.
i wish people just stop picking her or any snipers.

Snipers do twice as much as any other dps with half the skill and game knowledge. If they’re bad on those heroes, they’re worse on anything else.

Solution, don’t get matched with bad people.

Are you are here complaining again? Well Ok, stop creating topics of your opinion. Well you can make topics of your opinion but if your opinion is hateful and negative then dont post any topics until you can find the positivity in things and then life will be Soo much easier for yourself and other people who don’t like thease types of topics. So try to find the positivity in things!:grinning::smiley::smile:


Snipers take way more skill to get good value out of.
for OP well i can partly see why someone would think widow may be less favorable in say Mayhem… she is somewhat under powered in that chaos.
Hanzo is fine there though as is Ashe…

With the abundance of shield spam its really hard to get good reliable value… But mayhem is the crazy exception…

Otherwise i think snipers should be fine for most Arcade modes.
and for mystery hero’s you want someone that has mastered as may hero’s as possible on your side so sniper covers a far number of those and those types of skills carry over to other hero’s that benefit from good aim.

mystery hero’s is not much of a problem as the other modes were people can actual pick who they want to play as.

It’s Arcade, sheesh. Don’t tell people what to play or not to play in a mode that’s supposed to be completely for fun. You’ll get your wins for lootboxes. Relax.

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Gold damage torb refutes.

You mean like in every mode ? after 2 years WM and Genji always seem to be insta lock. Such a variety of heroes and yet this game gets boring because of these boring players.

People stop complaining about widowmaker players

Like seriously, do something about her rather then coming here and complain about an easily solved problem. Just counter her.

That’s all you have to do. Like what do YOU think will make it better if you’re complaining here? Do you think all widowplayers will just dissapear or what?

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considering the low age limit this game has to many whiny little brats who just throw a tantrum when ever they loose a game…

the maturity level isn’t very high and egos are way way to frail…

Like if the general ow player looses then its not like its their fault…

the enemy team used a OP character or they cheated or they had smurft’s or they used exploits or any excuse what so ever that will allow them not to face any kind of personal responsibility for their defeat.

They will latch onto any excuse at all that will appease their wounded ego.

In addition half of them think leaving a loosing game somehow is ok…
and at the same time they nag on about having to backfill…

the overwatch community is just a never ending flood of immaturity, wounded egos, selfishness and irrationality.

Basically the comunity seams to pretty much be absolute trash…