Performance issues with AMD GPU

Back in september I got an AMD 7800xt, since launch I have been having problems with Overwatch. Every single time the game starts, for about 3-5 minutes, the performance is horrible with low FPS and severe stuttering. I assume it’s the game compiling the shaders and unable to cache them.

I have tried to:

  • Clean the shader cache
  • Clean install the drivers in every single update.
  • Use the --tank_WorkerThreadCount parameter as I saw in another post with similar problems.

Nothing works. I have sent at least one ticket to AMD per driver update, but there are no news after almost half a year. I don’t know if the issue is with Overwatch or with the drivers, but it is there and it’s a pain to deal with. I don’t know what else to do or how to bring attention to it, since I’m not the only one in these forums (or NA, not sure) and AMD forums trying to get someone to fix it.

Other interesting things that happen:

  • Usage of RAM is contiously increase while the game compiles shaders up to about 8 GB.
  • I can’t close the game while the game compiles shaders, it’s stuck.
  • Even after a long session, when I close the game the overwatch.exe process stays alive for a couple of minutes.

EDIT: So… the very same day this was posted, AMD released a new driver (AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.1.1) and in the patch notes it appears as a known issue. :slightly_smiling_face: