Pick zen against rein

So I’m a master ranked support player. When do I play zen?

  1. If we have a main heal that will have enough healing for the team, taking into account some dps characters need less healing than others (sombra, widow, mei, …).

  2. If the enemy team does not have heavy dive (means tank + at least 1 dps are playing dive)

And 3 which is the topic my question is about.
3) the enemy tank shouldn’t be a shield tank (like Rein).

In my opinion, Dive, shielding and using LOS are the best ways to counter a zen. I would get excited to go Zen if the enemy team has: Orisa, Dva, Roadhog, junkerqueen, Ramatra (his shield not that strong/versatile).

However I would always switch off a Zen if I’m up against a Rein. However on multiple occasions, people tell me Zen is good against Rein. Why would Zen be good against Rein and what do you then think is a good counter to Zen? (only dive?) I would think the best tanks to play against zen are: Dive in combination with team (Doomfist), (Shields:) Rein, sigma and zarya.


Zen is good against Rein now.

  • Chips away at the shield.
  • Discord kills Rein, he can’t play with the same aggression.
  • in a 1v1, you can discord the Rein and keep kicking away. If you can duke him, you’ll win that 1v1 as Zen.

(Discord is one of the most OP abilities in the game, it’s due a hefty nerf)

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