Plat rank literally feels like one of the worst ranks to be in right now, even gold feels bad but no where near as bad as Plat imo, no I don’t play in Diamond, Masters or GM so I couldn’t know so much how they feel this season but Plat is totally unbearable.
For example:
Constant smurfs who can’t win in their current ranks.
Cheaters, where I can’t give any proof of this happening, I can only say I’m getting a lot more of them still from my experience and judgement, say what you like.
Matchmaking is absolutely GOD AWFUL, I get the most newest players imaginable, I can overheal or I can do dmg with more healing than the entire supports and it won’t make a difference at all if my team can’t shoot a shot or make a single elim, it’s almost like I’m just watching the game rather than playing it.
Again, new players being put in the “avg” rank, I seem to remember Gold being the avg rank in OW1 if you play subpar to your placement matches, now any new player can hit plat, diamond or masters without doing anything and they get the biggest ego of their ifetime, these players should not be put into the same category as those who have been playing longer, its not fair AT ALL.
5 Stacks in Solo matches, I still get them, there’s no denying that these people are playing in sync better than my solo team, it’s not supposed to happen right? But unfortunately it does.
I can name so much more about this pathetic rank, my opinion at the end of the day is… If you are below Plat, stay in Gold, you seem to get better players in these ranks from my experience and wait for Blizzard to fix this garbarge matchmaking and new players being put in higher ranks for no reason.
Also, using older accounts as this was the experience I’m having has been the turning point for me. Newer accounts I made from OW1 have been a better experience, not by much but better that I can tolerate and not care if I lose.
100% I know I wil get hate for this but you’re entitled to your own opinions so have at it.