Played a lot of FPs but this game has more cheats than any I've played

I have been playing PVP games for years, Halo, fear, quake, BLC, tribes, counterstrike, etc etc.
Watched some streams for a few months then decided to try the game.
I know what cheats look like, I realise that many players think they would know but they don’t judging by the amount I have witnessed in this game even though it has a built in report system, it really surprised me.
The replay facility confirms it all.

There is no way blizzard can be serious about this issue.
Just uninstalled.

Reply code or your just a salt merchant


I have encountered 1 cheater of which it was a wallhacker in my 4 years of playing Overwatch.

Though that’s not a good excuse for saying there aren’t many cheaters, correct?
In the other hand you could say that for your experience with other games.

The cheating problem will always exist in all games.

If you just started playing the game, then in all honesty, I doubt you’re in a rank with a lot of cheaters, I mean I barely come across any in mid - high Master, EU. Would be surprised if all the cheaters were chilling in Plat.

I think what’s a lot more likely is that you started out in Gold - like everyone else - and just came across the massive DPS smurf problem that does very much exist in Overwatch.

Not much better for an individual’s enjoyment of a match, but I really don’t believe there are any significant amount of cheaters before Low GM.

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Also if OP thinks this game has more cheaters than CounterStrike … :rofl:

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Unless you’re seeing snap aim or wallhacks in replays, you’re probably just not used to some of the MOBA elements here. In particular, multiple characters have some wallhacks:

  • Sombra if you’re crit health
  • Zen if he’s got discord on you
  • Widow if she’s using ult or you trip her spider mine
  • Hanzo if he’s sonic’d your general vicinity
  • Junkrat knows when you trip his trap

People also just pre-fire corners with projectiles, because, why not? Also, hitboxes are much larger than character models.

As someone said, what you’re encountering is likely just smurfs/alts.

Cheating comes in many forms. Not just 3rd party interference (aimbots and so on).

Playing in gold with your gm “friend” who’s on a smurf… you are getting boosted. This is cheating.

Deranking? This is also cheating. (Although mostly a set up to cheat)

Cheating comes in many forms. And overwatch is fully stack with cheats and abusers.

These people are just tragic souls looking for that pat on the back. To be told they are good at something. It’s a mental illness feeling the need to cheat in a game usually caused by not getting enough attention growing up, so they seek it desperately now.

We should be getting them professional help.

Eh … no. Not it isnt.

Thats gameplay sabotage and also playing on an ALT that is not throwing is not illegal. When they throw to stay in that rank THAT is when its sabotage.

Cheating is for third party programs used to gain an unfair advantage. Dont be mistaken pal. Taking advantage of the 1000 SR gap to play with a friend is NOT cheating.

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Alt vs Smurf.

Different things, diluted by uneducated fools calling every other account they have smurfs.

Alt - fine.
smurf - bad for the game.

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