Played sombra, another hero whose identity was killed

I dunno, this “new” Sombra, like compared to a year ago or sth, dont remember, feels WAY too tank dependant.
Old Sombra was her own master and did her own thing, now as long as the opponent team sticks together so you cannot pick off a support or widow easily w/o a team mate bailing them out immediately the new Sombra is heavily dependant on her own team’s tank.
This just seems like bad/generic design, even if all her gimmicks are somehow still existant such as this pretty stupid new translocator that you have to turn around and throw somewhere which takes way too long compared to any other hero’s escape mechanism which are pretty much just instant instead, sombra is just another tank reliant dps.
It seems blizz really just always manages to kill off all of the especially interesting/special mechanics hero identities by making them generic. Brig, symm, sombra… make them “work” but just in a flat generic uninspired way getting rid of their unique mechanics. so boring, what a bad design team.

I mean old Sombra’s “identity” was just being uninteractive and toxic. Was just a character for the fatherless and the ppl who were bullied in school. Wasn’t fun to play with her (because it was basically a 4v5 until she decided to bully a mercy) and it certainly wasn’t fun to play against her. She brought nothing positive to the table; needed the boot. Anything is better than her old kit