Players who go AFK in Comp

How are they even allowed to continue to get into Ranked play?
He refused to play as a sombra would not change. Must have done this before. Must have been reported before.

How are they even allowed to play in comp?


High ranked players who got bored of losing on their main account, proceed to log on a throw-away account to troll lower elos by throwing aka afk’ing.

It honestly happens so often i barely touch competitive at all.

Most of the time, they are russian players. At least those i encounter.

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I suspect there is a threshold that needs to be surpassed to get someone in trouble by reporting them. Maybe they were just having a bad day and this was a once in a great while response from them. I don’t think being AFK one match would warrant a ban. Best we can do is report it and hope the system works. GLHF

Potentially. It is annoying how often you see it.
It just suggests that it goes unchecked by Blizzard.

On dota, this sort of activity puts the player into low priority matchmaking until they prove their worth again.

they report themselves. sooner or later they get banned. they won’t be the first or the last… but that’s exactly one of the needs of the reporting tool.