PlayStation Plus Error

they are probably rectifying the mistake region by region and not pushing the update the same time.

It happened to me, I just restarted OW again and it worked, good luck !!!

Looks like the people in this thread got it fixed, but I just returned to Overwatch and it’s showing this error for me after taking a break for about 2-3 months (since Feb/Mar). I’ve tried restoring licenses, deleting and redownloading the game, restarting, and logging out and back in more than 6 times on each, and I still am not able to get in. I have confirmed that I have PS Plus (until 2023) and am the primary owner of the account.

How long did it take you guys to keep trying before you got in? I have been trying for two, almost three, days now. Any help would be appreciated.


Restart the game and try again. I hit the login button twice before it went through on my third restart. First time I’m experiencing this on ps5

use psn cloud ow save file to override ps5 or ps4 local save file.
it worked, good luck !!!