PlayStation Plus Error

When loading OW the “loading preferences” comes up followed by the message “You need PlayStation Plus to access this feature”. I have PlayStation plus. Anyone else run into this issue?


Having this issue right now. Did your PlayStation just update?

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having the same issue, I was playing for an hour then updated console, when I returned it wouldn’t let me into Overwatch with thay ps plus needed message.

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Mine just updated. I also have the same problem.

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Yesssss… so annoying

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Yes, updated my PS5 this morning.

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Anyone manage to fix it? I have tried logging in and out, restarting, etc. and nothing worked.


Tried all the same, even a PS Plus cancel and resub didn’t work!

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Lol just try again all the time…I’m finally in! Good luck


Logged in at last! Phew!

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Oh nice. Yeah when I updated, it rebuilt my database. Still no luck for me :frowning:

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Yeah just keep trying. Happened to me too.

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Got same error. Restarted and didn’t wirk

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Yes mine did and I can’t login due to this stupid error

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I’m experiencing the same error on my PS4, and it has persisted for the past 2 hours no matter how many times I retried/restarted. Is the only it works again for some of you literally just to keep trying/logging in until it works?

edit: It works a few mins after I posted this… /facepalm…

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9:48 EST March 23rd
Same issue. PS4.
Pressing X at title screen to play game gives “You need PS Plus to access this feature” error.

Probably a compatibility issue with the update. Blizzard might have to put out an update to compensate.

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Mine updated and its not working because of ps plus error what do I do

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Mine is still not working either. I tried even resetting it and everything.

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having the same issue. nothings working :confused:

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I got in now. I just had to wait a little longer