Please Add more mid level Gem ranks

Hi I would like to propose the addition of more mid level ranks between Plat and Diamond like ‘Ruby’ and ‘Sapphire’. Personally I think Silver Gold and Plat are too crowded. It can be super frustrating at times because you’re led to believe your playing with similarly ranked players but then will have people that are playing worse or you yourself can’t keep up. So I feel that by spreading out players stuck in Gold/Silver will help create better quality matches and also combat the feeling of feeling stuck in a rank.

The way I see, there should be 3 metal ranks, 3 gemstone ranks and then 3 masters ranks.

I watch many streamers on TikTok and crazy how prevalent losing streaks are and general frustration that they lost unjustly. So I hope that by spreading people out in the mid range, there will be more clarity over your true rank and also ensure better quality matches.


We do not need more ranks

they added a rank “Champion” a while ago and it changed literally nothing

adding more in the middle would change nothing either, if you’re stuck in Gold now you’d still be stuck there even if they added thirty new ones