Please dont forget!

QP is for training and getting used to Chars you want to play.
There is no reason to get toxic against your Team or the Enemy for playing Weird, OP or Cheese Hero Pair.

PLEASE ! If you want to be Toxic or a “know it all” take it to comp and get Reported.
QP Should be fun and testing, not sweaty and Toxic !


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and what is the training mode for then?

when I started to play Overwatch I spend my first 90 hours in Training Mode with Tracer… only to realize that I totally suck at tracer in quick play, then I switched to Winston and started to fry all the Brigitte Players… and Widows and such.

IMO Quick Play is or should be the richest Game Mode in terms of Map Pool and Play Variety or in otherwords 2CP should be in QP again… I mean hell! we have Clash which is way worse than almost everything that has happened to Overwatch.

says who? when did you all decided that quickplay should be only used for training purposes only?

i dont have the luxury of time to play competitive through the weekdays. sorry bro but thats not going to happen and smoothen my day by your false advertisement on making a false rule we all got to follow because you just felt like training juno all day in the weekdays…

no. how about QP should stay QP and you go back to training with bots on a regular day monday ok? cheers.

Whilst I completely agree with you, I will add, if you have time to play some QP, you have time to play Comp.

That being said, play what you like, play it how you like, and have fun.

Lmao bro complains about sweating in a competitive mode

Where else should players try out new and unfamiliar Characters ?
In the Training Range ? While Killing bots with 3 times the actual hitbox size ?
I cant play Comp and for fact anything during the week either.
But i will never blame anyone in QP for “underperforming”.
QP should be a place to test weird and new stuff.
Comp is where you go to test your Skill against Other Players.


I prefer to play quick play on my own leasure in the weekdays. If you think thats an skill issue mr.arrogant then go right ahead.

No one is stopping that little brain of yours to think different.