Please remove Brigitte from the game

Most anti-fun, low skill, broken champion… Shouldn’t be in the game and most likely no way to fix her to make her a good addition to the game. Please remove her from competitive


Never going to happen. You can expect possibly more nerfs in the future, but heroes never get removed from comp or even the game.

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While you’re at it, please remove Doomfist, Genji, Hanzo, most OP characters with easy spam killing all the fun in the game. Better yet, remove everybody except soldier, so we have a 100% balanced game.

I believe that game is called Call of Duty.

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I hope we get new flankers in the style of tracer/sombra as currently flankers don’t have the best time. At least I only have moira and brig in my games, kinda miss mercy as a nr1 target.

I believe it’s called irony

Brigette’s kit is way to strong for such a low skill set. When looking at her, she consists of 3 roles being a tank, healer, and damage. She has a 500 hp shield which protects her from a lot of things thrown at her, she has a healing ability where she won’t die, and deals a lot of damage as a support and someone who requires less skill to be played. Furthermore, her stun lasts forever and more than Mccree’s, who is an offense character. She needs to be heavily needed Blizzard

Until Torbjorn Rework comes out on the public servers. the closest counters is:
1-a Charging Reinhardt.

2- mid-Long range Heroes(Like pharah or Mc or soldier 76, hell even genji )

3-the One shot one kill heroes (Hanzo and widowmaker)

4-Symmetra, because she has the ability at burning shields.

5- Ana nade cuz it stop armoring.

6-sombra , cuz she can stop her healing

What ever you do, dont have CQC with her (Close Quarter Combat)

Is that hard?

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Dude, her damage is less than Moira’s (Moira has the ability to outdamage her). Her healing is less than Lucio. Her stun lasts 1 (1!) sec, and not “forever” like you claim. Her shield is nerfed even more now, and she already has received 5 nerfs in total (her ult was nerfed, her bash was nerfed 2 times, her mobility was nerfed). It is already the case that her healing output does not suffice to warrant her pick at all. She is a situational hero.

It seems you are salty because you can’t counter her or insist of staying in her face with your Genji. Why do that? Why can’t you actually use your strong points vs her weak points, which she has plenty (her shield only covers one small direction, she is completely useless on longer ranges and has to engage closely to be able to heal unlike ALL the other healers). Attack her from range, or focus her from two directions, you will see her crumble very fast. Hell, even a good tracer can kill her, her supposed counter. Just because you can’t play against her, does not mean everyone can’t. When I play Rein I even like the fact that the enemy team has a Brigitte, because if I manage to kill her (in 3 swings she is dead) the opposing team has even less heal than they already had.

this dude want McCree to be nerfed too?, no thanks i prefer Ma boi Mc the way he is

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Never going to happen. You can expect possibly more nerfs in the future, but heroes never get removed from comp or even the game.