Question about matchmaking

So i finally ranked myself to plat(low plat). Time to time i want to play some quickplay to learn new heroes, but heres the problem. When i was in gold my games player rank was always from 1700 to 2700. Since i hitted plat, i have faced multiple times players from 3500-4100. And it was really “fun” once to play against 2 players that rank was 3800-4000. I dont mind challenge and i get that, in quickplay ranks are really nonsese. But its just hard to try new heroes in that kind of games where you really have to put your A game and play with hero you’re best with.

And all this happened when the latest patch came out. Sure i find games like instant but the matchmaking is just nuts.

Anyone else having same experiences?

I notice the same when I’m in mid plat, I sometimes see diamond/master and even once in a blue moon GM players.

The way I see it is it’s QP, I’m there to learn, and having a few better, more experienced, higher ranked players in the game from time to time is not a bad thing. It’s like the old saying goes, if you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room. Playing against better players in turn makes us better too. Also it’s not like it’s every game so it’s not a big issue.

If it happened in comp now, that would be a problem.

Playing against slightly better players than you and learning to overcome them is the way to learn…

A gold/plat player going against a masters/gm player is like a toddler playing football against a premier leaguer… it shouldnt happen and there is nothing to learn from having your teeth kerb stomped out of your head appart from how to occupie 5 mintues of time while you’re stuck in the spawn room

True but honestly, it happens so rarely in QP that it’s a non-issue (for me anyway). Now if every other Qp game had GMs and master level players in them, then sure it might be an issue. but once in a blue moon, I’m fine with and actually enjoy pitting myself against GMs sometimes.