Question for PS5 users

Hello guys, I’d love to get some help regarding the audio setting for the voice chat.
Everytime I play solo, I hold a button to talk with the team, but when I play with friends and we talk in the party, holding that button doesn’t open my mic to the team anymore.
Is there any way I can talk with my friend at the party (or the formation), and switch to the team voice chat whenever I need to say anything to the whole team?

At least on pc you can only be in one voice chat at a time, either the team or the group one.

If you’re in the group voice, you will manually have to swap to the team voice through the social menu to talk to anyone outside of your group.

Push to talk only opens your mic in the voice channel that you’re in, it doesn’t swap you between voice channels.

But you can talk with your group on Discord, and then switch to the group voice chat whenever you want, right?
I was trying to find any solution like that, is they exists

I don’t think anything like that exist inbuilt in the game itself, and if i used discord while playing i would just bind a different push to talk button for each to minimize technical faffel for myself.

Between discord channels the keyboard shortcuts are built into the program itself, along with muting channels.

If you’d want to change between discord and overwatch channels, you’d just have to have them both open at the same time and just mute discord with a button. because i don’t think there’s a way to mute game voice chat completely apart from leaving and rejoining.

So unless you find an option to bind a button to do this in the game’s options, it doesn’t exist within the game to swap channels seamlessly during a match.

Yeah, I guess with the pc you could work something out, but to me seems kinda silly that I can’t do the same from console

Even pc can’t fluently swap between voice chanels within overwatch. You just have to choose which one to use.

I manually go through the menus to swap back to the group (party chat) while queueing if i want to chat, but the game automatically puts me into team chat when a match starts.

I have to manually go through the menu to swap back to group chat again though.

I guess it just comes down to how the devs have optimized and set up the voice channels on ow.