Question whether this is punishable offence

Hi, I like playing doomfist. I’m about silver rank probably on him. On other tanks I’m Plat rank. I rather play competitive. => i’m currently rank 5 plat on tank.

My question isn’t about what is better/worse to do from an “ethical” point of view. My question is whether it is a “punishable offence” if I simply play doomfist in competitive, basically losing games because I suck on doomfist, ruining my teammates their games.

If you’re trying, then no.
People might report you, but once they analyse the report, nothing will come of it.

Unless ofcourse Blizzard just rely on X amount of reports and they act on it, then shame on them for not reviewing the reports.

technically no, but I wouldn’t be suprised if people consider you throwing if you play like a silver in plat.

i get called out when having a bad time.
but sometimes nobody seems to care.

ofc always depends on your teammates and how serious they take it. If they just lost 1-2 games with a doom tank i am sure they have some emotions.

maybe tell them so they are aware and won’t ignore you as if you are a diamond tank in plat doing quite well alone. If i know my tank struggles I can try to assisst him. Be it with suzu, ana focus heals or even a lw pull. Or I might target more what you try to attack or what bothers you.

if they have more than 50 IQ they know they have to play this match with you anyway or leave so they are better of trying to cooperate.