Ranked is broken

Edit. it happend im out of bronze !!! :smiley:

Ok, I know that this isn’t the biggest problem but,
I have played OW2 since it came out and in that time I have mostly played comp as support and in that time I have been hardstuck in bronze 5 (I did move one time to bronze 3 but immediately in the next placements I got bronze 5).
I have consistently won 7 before losing 20 games and in my last placements I only lost 2 games and still no change.
I know I’m not the best player but it’s starting to feel a bit unfair. I was just wondering if this was a bug or if I’m just bad lol
Edit: I used to be mid silver in OW1 but didn’t play that much comp. My stats aren’t that awful either, I often have to most healing in the game and I try my best to get good stats and keep my teammates alive.

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Probably you are just bad. They are tweaking the rank system though so maybe it will improve. Watch some guides on youtube to improve

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Hey, Let me see ur game
1 where u played as DOG ass as u think and another one where u played ur best.
Send the codes for them and I will tell if it is u bad or the system is :poop: ,
But I do know that the system is :poop: so no worries here.

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