Ranked is STILL broken

I don’t have as many hours as some, currently just over 1100 altogether. Matchmaking on Overwatch was better than whatever this is.

Since the start of this “new” season, I’ve won a handful of matches, every game is so one-sided again but always against my team, my tank gets 18 kills, enemy tank gets 43. If I’m playing DPS I’ll start getting kills, only for the enemy DPS to stop missing shots altogether.

If I play support (Gold 3 (never played much comp)) the enemy team will be stacked with Plat/Dimond/Masters role challenger, and they just hold W and there is absolutely ZERO that my team can do, people refuse to switch, and you can “gg next” but the next game is the same, and the one after that.

With each update, the ranked system in this game gets worse and worse. And Blizzard seem to be in absolutely no hurry to fix any of the issues that the community has been complaining about with ranked since launch. No wonder everyone calls it “a small indie company.”

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I am platinum and i get matchmaked with top 500 players i cant even have fun in this game anymore its not even competitive and people are sweating because they are t500

No. You are plat playing with plat players that have a T500 role challenger or open queue challenger tag. That is different.

They were t500 last season.I was not there is a huge skill diffrence.It makes no sense also some of them is still t500

Would be interesting to see the dev comms regarding this.
The matchmaker has been pretty good until the latest patch - now its as bad as it ever was.

I can not agree with this, Overwatch is past, and the balance within was good, now we have Overwatch 2 and natural balance, thanks to the Overwatch team. U cannot compare Overwatch with Overwatch 2, BCS Overwatch 2 is much better maybe 3 times than it was Overwatch.

^ this.

i even read something about season 4 having a perfect and great amazing system. but this is incorrect!

i litterally played 30/34 matches. every single time i won 5 matches with 3 or 4 losses. nothing happens.

low tier btw. so this doesnt make sense.

Fantastic system. People can keep their rank from 3 seasons ago even though they don’t belong there. People will just camp GM1. It’s a joke