Ranking 90% New players gold. WHY?

As long as someone get’s 5 wins in any shape or form, they will almost be guranteed placed Gold or High silver.

My question is - WHY?

You make us suffer with the countless amounts of times of new players picking Hanzo which they have absolutely no experience on and maybe get a lucky Ult Combo with a Zarya once every millennial which therefore turns players toxic due to the lack of skill they have, consequently resulting in the loss of the game for the rest.

It’s so difficult to climb up the ladder to Plat, GM ect with these bottlenecks and If you want a peaceful community (KEEP IN MIND THIS IS 12+ GAME) who wont harm your status and talk smack about it, I suggest you take a look into your ranking system or else you’ll continue to get infinites amount of posts on your forums about the ranking system.

TLDR: Change your ranking system, be harsher to new players


Since when gold or “high” silver means anything?

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What you need to do is to get out of gold then stop complaining that there are people in your games who are just as bad as you are.


most people start in gold bc its the common rank. its where the most players are, and its at about where most players skill starts. and thats apparently where you belong as well, so focus on yourself and improve instead of blaming others for you not being able to climb


I won 6 placement matches, and I landed at 1200 SR >.<

yeah, but was that your first season in comp, or a later one? later placements are based on the mmr you get. and even in the first one, it depends on how you played in qp before that, and how you played in those comp games, not just w/l

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There is a lot to what puts you in your rank, but do remember some skills are transferable for players between games. e.g. if you are a good aim at one game, then you will be at another, if OW was the first game you ever played then it is very likely u would prob end up bronze. Also, you get loads of smurfs.

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What you fail to account for is the fact that someone placed too high will rapidly fall down.

You also fail to account for the fact that over 30 matches or so, your own performance has a much bigger impact on your winrate than your teammates’. If you are struggling to get out of gold, you simply need to improve. And no, you don’t need to get good enough to carry, just being better than your average opponent is enough to climb.


Sometimes you climb even though you drop, because in order to get better team mates your current team mates have to drop outside of your range, then you climb up again and get better team mates, followed by your climb resuming towards platinum and beyond.

There literally no reason to tilt, heck tilting sabotages yourself, heck ask yourself have you ever been much lower then your rank and not bounced back ? you always come back where you belong, maybe not when you tilt, but after being hard stuck diamond since s3 on my main account if grown immune to tilt more or less, simply because some seasons if even peeked to near masters i never tried to hit masters past seasons though until last season, and now i am masters on my main.

Gold is the most avg rank easy to get out of, just use your ultimate as much as possible and you’re platinum.

No offense but that’s basically what he’s complaining about.

Well i focus mostly on improving myself but i get his point and try to understand it from his side. If he really gambles around 2.1-2.2 i can imagine him getting a shi* load of new player since this is probably the most common mmr new player get placed in. But then again … it’s soloque and that has been a problem in every soloque game as far as i can remember. Just my 2 cents. The only way to rank up in a soloque game is to carry. And the best way to learn how to carry is to improve your skills in an environment where you know that everyone tries to win and plays properly (aka LFG tool). So let me tell you, once you climbed in LFG you will have a way easier time playing solo.

Winning doesn’t mean sh’t in placements, if people still don’t get that. You can win 10 matches against people with Bronze MMR and still can’t expect to be even placed near someone that lost all of their placements, but did them against GMs. SR doesn’t count, your MMR does. When do people finally get that it matters against who they play rather than how often they win?


Because gold is below average.

I made a smurf, did my placements and got placed 4188

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Well… I had 5 or 6 wins in my placements this and last league and both times I got ranked at around 1200-1300

I am not able to get any higher.

my 1 account is high plat and when i made my pc account i got put in gold and its so hard to get out lmfao

in gold ? if you cant CARRY you wont be ably to get out

you either get lucky or you carry yourself out there

and you need to be alot better than the avg player in gold

overall gold rank is super inconsistent

sometimes i can take a highground as a mccree and pretty much hard carry my whole team because the enemy team dont even try to stop me

and sometimes i get destroyed by the enemy team no matter how hard i try

Do you think they should be placed bronze or even mid silver?

Are you sure? I thought gold was average.

Gold is average.

Its almost like above 30% of the players are in gold which is mid tier…