Ranking system in ranked

Can we please have a new or improved system for calculating our skill tier as well as laddering up. I’ve been playing overwatch for many many years and consider myself decent at the game, however, I really struggle to move up the ranks, even after winning many games in a row, I don’t move up and sometimes, even move down… it’s just really disappointing and I would seriously love to see a new system of ranking up. Many games have ranking systems, they’re all better than this. Please do something!

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New system coming in Season 9.

Well, it is a new dress to make it look better, and hopefully give people more clarity. The systems underneath will be the same.

If you are where you are because that is your skill level, then the new system won’t change that, but should offer you a little more feedback as to when you hit that peak.

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will they be resetting everyone tho?

“resting” in the loosest of terms. You’ll probably be set to match your MMR (minus a set amount), then have to do 10 placement games.

You should end up somewhere around where you are now.

Take a look at the BlizzCon dev chat they did, you can find it on youtube.
They talk about making adjustments - though we’re on clarity as to what exactly they’re changing.

They are bringing instant feedback in S9. This should provide some level of clarity.