Reasons Bliz implemented warning in arcade mode (Gauntlet)

No doubt this will get labelled as whine thread so bring cheese please! Also this is a list of reasons and anecdotal evidence as to why people might leave, if they have experienced the same as me.

Blizz implemented that warning about leaving games due to, you may need to sit down for this, lots and lots of people leaving the new arcade mode gauntlet (updated after Nuu comments, thank you :P).

These are the reasons as I have experienced them:

  1. hit registration seems completely broken/inconsistent
    I have stood next to and shot an afk/slow to load person on multiple occasions. I have shot them in the head in the body even took a few at the feet. Worst case 2 loads of bullets (as start char is Mcree that means 12) did 25% total health, this was them stood still me stood still next to them. Call bs if you want I can’t prove it but it happened, its also intermittant, but my ms is steady at 25-30 never noticed it rise also 200fps steady.

  2. getting shot through walls
    Got to widdow stage and so had someone else, they were aiming at some other person and were missing I had time to set up the head shot and managed to get 3 head shotsd on that stationary widdow. Got all the in game notifications of head shot but that other widdow took 0 damage, I moved behind a wall and downs some stepps to reload and got headshot by that very same widdow, through the wall. No ms spike no fps drop, and nope the other widddow hadn’t moved. The widdow example is the clearest example I recall but similar has happened on other toons, they could have been “favour the attacker” scenarios

  3. sheer volume of kill steals, I know its part of the game I’m only saying it as its more apparent and more frustraiting in that game mode.

  4. Mutual death oddness
    2 players having a dingdong and manage to kill eachother at the same time, whoever has the faster load will generally be able to kill the other player before they have spawned (assuming the hit registration is allowing it) I have been on the bad and good end of this one.

  5. bad spawn point
    As above I have loaded next to other players from the start of the match, sux if hit registration is working, otherwise it’s who can be on the “favour the attacker” when hit registration recovers. usually results in lots of jumping about and shooting. Once killed you spawn randomly, which is good, except when you spawn in the crossfire of other players or infront of the ulting (insert almost any toon) so far I have spawned infront of ulting Phara. Mcree and Moira, so no only have I just been killed, but instantly killed before I’m able to take more than 2 steps in any direction.

If you are still with me there are probably plenty of other scenarios that cause frustrationin the new mode, other threads say cool your jets as its new and yes it has bugs. Given that they had to add warnings due to leavers I hope some of the above (if others experience the same) give direction to any investigation.

I really like the idea of the game mode but the current workings aren’t making it fun. once the bugs have been worked out I’m sure it will be a lot less frustraiting to play. I’m pleased they have stopped the cancel the games issue, my last couple have ended with just 4 people, so even the warnings aren’t stopping people leaving.

As far as I know I have managed to avoid toxic words or attitudes in the above, I don’t think I have whinned, or asked for buffs and I don’t think I was salty either. I’m still going to put on the flame proofing just in case :stuck_out_tongue:
Updated title to include Gauntlet, Thanks Nuu :slight_smile:

Can you be more specific please? Are you talking about the Workshop?

Good point, I have updated my post, but no it was only Gauntlet. :slight_smile:
Also just saw thishappen:
A hanzo spawned/ran up (don’t know which as he was behind me lol) behind me and used the 6 shot (I forget its name) I cant account for his aim but given the distance he was from me (when I died) and I wasnt moving I find it hard to believe he managed to miss me with 3 of his shots, it’s possible but given my experience of hit registration it is questionable.

We’re gonna need a clip here, sounds pretty normal to me that people miss shots.

If the hanzo was me, yes it is very possible i missed those shots xD

I played gauntlet yesterday, didn’t experience any of what you describe, maybe i was just lucky?

@Nuu, I’d love to save clips as a few happened today, seemed to be lessfrequent, but press F9 and it says unavailable, v annoying. I tried using a recorder but it cause fps drop and made my aiming worse lol.

Thanks for responding, I’m sort of coming to the conclusion it has to be something on my system but can’t fathom what. It’s really odd and as I said inconsistent.

Thanks both, I’m going to let this drop and just continue to do what I can as I havent a clue what could cause it and it doesnt seem to happen to others. That either means I am seriously crap and can’t hit the side of a barn ot there is somenting I missed in trying to config my system. I.E. mouse to resolution calibrations, to get the higher fps using lower resolution might be offsetting the mouse or somethjing… I don’t know.
Have fun and thanks for responding :slight_smile: