Recent connectivity issues impacting competitive

Due to the recent patch and the live maintenance on the 14th of November i and many others had problems connecting to the game. I tried restarting several times, but eventually I wanted to play comp. At first I got a game but didn’t connect properly and couldn’t rejoin. Afterwards I received a loss for leaving the game even tho it was the live maintenance that didn’t even let me in the game in the first place. This effects my rank and many others had the same problems. I was wondering if there are any ways of reverting these false losses


Same I just looked at my wins and losses. I had 1 win 2 losses. Lost one game then won one game. Then I looked at my score and it says 2-6 like wtf so all 3 times the server error happened counted as a loss? xD
I’ve heard people talk about it before that it just affects the numbers but no the actual mmr. I really hope so like wtf. Otherwise the game is unplayable now.

Also I can’t even watch replays now.

Having the same issue, I couldn’t connect to 6 matches but after the first I didnt had a loss counted (0-0) so I figured it was safe.
I finally managed to join one, won, and when I checked at the end it was 1-6.
Like thank you very much blisurd, small indie company


To all of you in this thread.

This frequently happens on patch days, do not risk comp during patch days or if you’re having issues connecting to games.

It’s the same thing with season changes and when the arcade events change.

great patch! (Sarcasm).
I qued for ranked multiple times in GM. often a game litterally did not start. It did not even connect me to it it just canceld my que in the menu screen. and now i see i got at least 6 loss in my support Que ranked because of that even though i did not even join any of those 6 games, my que just got canceld by the server multiple times!
Blizzard just keeps disapointing and making ranked absolutely not enjoyable.


I recently have been kicked from a few games in ranked or just not connected to them receiving an error and it has now given me a deserter and ranked me down after winning five games because of the leaving when I never actually made it into the game

Does your recently mean yesterday evening or today?

Or is it before yesterday’s patch?

The servers might still be suffering from the patch that hsppened yesterday, which can cause a lot of disconnections.

If this issue has persisted for a longer time, then you should troubleshoot your tech and drivers (if on pc).

The same has happened to me. Yesterday evening I lost a total of 4 to 5 games and got suspended twice for “leaving games” I never got to join due to “failed server connection” or whatever.

The “abandoned games” penalty on rank is HEAVY and despite being 5-3 I just ranked down from GM1 to GM2.

There has been, in the past, regional problems in which players got disconnected from the lobby after a patch update. What has happened yesterday is new : the unability to even join the lobby and still getting the loss + abandon penalty.

Many players are affected and losing a LOT of ranks before even realising the “server failed connection” means you get a loss. Actually you can’t even realise it until you get either suspended or your 5 wins. Games don’t appear in history.

Server issues have affected rank since ow1 season1.

Patches roll out at UTC 7pm every time.

I’ve on several occasions failed to connect to games during patch hours and been kicked out from games.
It’s always happened.

In this case i think it’s because the game thinks you joined the game even if you didn’t. And as it starts re-queueing, it conciders the last game abandoned.