🐗 Reinhardt "main's" are the worst

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Not done either, just talking about the game and how we see tanking. Whilst you’ve both insulted me (and others in other threads).

Nonsense, every hero does, as long as he participates.
Your charging dead Rein has 0 value, because he’s dead.

As long as he participates, he provides value over a Rein whose dead.

Most of them does, and the most stupid are those who charge alone into full enemy team.

We are talking about stupid Reins, who blindly charge into an enemy team, and they don’t make any space, because they are dead.

It can, especially when you intentionally post an utterly wrong opinion which clearly is designed to force an argument, which is what you did.

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Participation isn’t the same as existing.

Intentionally wrong? No, I’m correct. But you disagree and that’s fine.

The argument comes from your constant aggressive and argumentative nature. That’s a you problem to sort, not for everyone else to witness.

Yep. A Rein charging in a group can literally die in a second. Whereas a Rein with his shield up has a lot more use.

In your flippant example, neither is of any use.

But a good Rein will never shield bot, a good Rein will also know when to charge.

Shield botting is massively inefficient for your support. Ana, for example will need you to face tank some damage to build ult faster as in that example a nano engage will be your win condition. Using sheild effectively to block abilities is more important and blindly standing there shielding.

Most sheild bots won’t press W while shielding. At that point they might as well just stay in spawn.

If he exists in the fight, then he participates. Even passive player has value over a dead one.

First of all, saying that you are corrects carries implication that other person is wrong, so your comment, that it’s ok to disagree with you is a passive trolling.

Secondly, playing silly semantics and calling suicide rush “a play” while arguing that mostly dead players are better than passive ones who stay alive doesn’t make you right about anything.
All you are proving is that you have some irrational opinion which doesn’t track with reality, and the reality is that Reins who charge into the enemy team are laughed at constantly by all the higher tier players.

I get it, you created some cherry-picked idea in your head where Rein charging the whole enemy team somehow makes it and maybe kills someone. The reality is that those people mostly die without achieving anything :man_shrugging:

Except, you were the one arguing, and I only commented on how stupid, and troll-ish your argument was :man_shrugging:

I guess you will be now arguing how it isn’t.

Oh no!


You are far to linear with your thinking. Why would the Rein die, if the rest of the team are doing their jobs? Unless it is a troll charge (which we shall disregard as a possibility because that isn’t part of the discussion), then at least 1, if not both, supports should be pocketing Rein. Assuming your supports have picked smartly to play with a Rein (this is part of the reason Rein isn’t a good choice rn).

No Rein that knows how to play the game makes the suicide dive. They will charge an angle, or over a short distance to either close the gap (although if you have a Lucio is this much easier without charging), or force space to be created.

Standing their as a shield bot, you will need your DPS to get immediate picks. If that happens, lovely. But you are in an ELO where that isn’t going to be a common occurance. So what will happen is the Rein stands there waiting for picks, while his shield is destroyed, then he either takes damage, dies, or has to play LoS to recharge shield. All this has happened, and you haven’t taken any space on the map.

Now, if you have Lucio, you can hold shield, and use speed boost to rotate as a team round to high ground, or a more advantageous angel… but then if you are still in the shield bot mind set, you are again waiting for someone else to make a play for you.

Better option, charge to a corner, take that space, just map cover to stop taking so much damage and rotate between swing and shield quickly. If the enemy backs off, you go again, move forward, swing and shield. Making sure your shield never breaks is huge. If you can tap block abilities like Hogs hook, stuns and random spam while pressing W to take space, and swinging to get that sweet damage in you are on to a winner.

The key to all the his supports. Sadly below diamond I think support playing sometimes forget how impactful their role is (number 1, tank 2, dps 3). And how much impact their picks and decisions can have on the game. This is why stacking, or being an effective communicator are such handy tools for climbing.

In short (given that OW2 and 5v5 will require you to make plays), learn to play more aggressively. Be too aggressive if you have to. It is always easier to tone down over aggression mid game that it is to do the opposite.

I used to charge in a long time ago and got abuse for it, because you’re right, it’s suicide. I’ve seen Reins charge off cliffs, and without even pinning. Having said that, Reins need to be cautious of Lucio which can cause a lot of issues for Reins charge.

That sounds like you were just bad at using the ability. Not that charging was the wrong play.

Poor execution is not the same as poor idea.

Short range charges to get a pick, or long range to close the gap. What you described was someone who doesn’t fully understand how to apply the mechanic, and after getting flamed went to playing passively through subconscious fear of making a mistake. Which is a less valuable asset to the team

No, I’m not. We were talking specifically about Reins who brainlessly change into enemy team and die, and you choose to argue that they are better than passive ones.

Once you were called out for talking nonsense, you choose to move goalposts to change the narrative, and pretend that you are right, when you weren’t in the first place.

Now you are trying to argue dead argument by making cherry-picked scenarios to rationalize, and justify your delusional conviction that you are right about something.

Well, you aren’t, move on.

You keep using those excuses like “it’s just an opinion”, or “it’s just conversation/discussion”, but essentially you are just getting off on being passive-aggressive and toxic bully.


And once you got called out for being aggressive and argumentative… you kept doing it… fun times.

I’m cherry picking? You are cherry picking a specific situation in which a Rein has made a mistake. Insulting them and flaming them for it. And you try to take the moral high ground on that one… ok.

That is your opinion. One that isn’t factual and you have no way to back it up. You and your buddy just insult people left right and centre then accuse others of wrong doing. It isn’t funny.

Except, you are the one who has a well documented history of being argumentative, and aggressive to the point where you force people out of discussion, and talk w/e drivel you can come up with just to have the last word :man_shrugging:

No I didn’t, because we were referring to specific type of problem which spread through the whole game, so not just one person.

You are trying to take a moral high ground, by falsely accusing me of taking moral high ground… :rofl:

I guess it’s true that you are going to throw any crap at the wall just to see if it sticks, lol

Every time you are under the wall you keep reverting to the same assertion that X is just an opinion, and no one can prove anything, lol

Yes, your nonsensical drama accusations after being caught talking nonsense isn’t funny at all.


You can’t really make that false claim, while being aggressive, for literally no reason.

We have different views on how Rein is played. Why are you so defensive about it.

I am looking at our stats (using QP as you’ve only played 4 mins of Rein this season in ranked).

I can see you are more of a shield maiden than a space creator. Based on averages per 10.

So I understand you don’t get aggressive Rein play, as you aren’t one. For example…


  • All Damage av per 10 - 8,133
  • Damage blocked av per 10 - 13,702


  • All Damage av per 10 - 10,392
  • Damage blocked av per 10 - 12,775

I focus on blocking key damage, without shield botting, which means I can engage the enemy faster. Meaning I get more elims per 10 too.

I also have much higher charge kills per 10.

So. Can you tell me your style of Rein gets the job done more than an aggressive one? Without complaining about a misplaced charge that didn’t work. Because that happens to us all and isn’t a sign of a good or bad Rein player.

I haven’t been “caught” doing anything. I am a Rein player telling you that playing Rein aggressively is the better thing to do. You are a Moira/Junkrat player telling me otherwise.

If your teams Rein is being aggressive and you aren’t pocketing him… who’s really to blame there. The main tank trying to dictate the tempo of the match… or the support not keeping up.

It’s funny when he brings me up when I’ve done nothing wrong on this thread but ask him to stop harassing me. Just leave it dude, he’ll just keep picking and picking. Let people be blinded by it.

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The shire fact that you are starting your post with the nonsensical ad person attack using the false accusation of me being allegedly “aggressive” only proves how desperate you are being :rofl: :man_shrugging:

Which is irrelevant since we were talking about the specific type of bad mistake Rein players are making, so your cherry-picked scenarios are useless waste of time because they don’t prove anything relevant.

As always you get yourself into argument, and then when called out for being wrong, you are attempting to change the narrative, and move goalposts to prove yourself right, when you aren’t right.

Stop embarrassing yourself, and move on.

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In short then.

Players make mistakes. Get over it, you’ll be making mistakes just as bad if not worse. Untill you stop that you don’t have the moral high ground to judge them.

Maybe play more Rein and you’ll understand how aggression helps.

Said the guy who keeps arguing dead argument 3rd day in a row…

Beside the point.
Mistakes need to be called out or else people will never learn.

Your childish trash talk won’t justify people going out of position and suiciding for no reason.

Move on dude.

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People should and will learn from mistakes.

Mistakes do not need to be “called out” as that’s just toxic.

No one wants silver captain hindsight telling them they made a mistake after the event. They already know.

How about you face up to the mistakes you probably made first. Why as support are 1, not pocketing the aggressive Rein (super fast ult charge for you), or 2., If your Rein is aggressive what are you doing on Moira… could you play anyone else that would help him more.

Basically, stop getting titled at others mistakes. In your rank EVERYONE in that lobby is making basic mistakes all the time. If you fix yours, you’re immediately the best player in that lobby and can carry fights.

Most people don’t understand that they are making mistakes, that’s why people with 2000 levels on their account keep making the same stupid mistakes years after the game was released.
People who don’t know that what they are doing is a mistake will never learn, and your idea of not talking about mistakes only makes this problem bigger.

No, the act of calling out mistake is not toxic, and it’s done in most human institutions on the face of this planet since this is the only way people can be sure that the person making mistakes knows that mistake was made, and learns how to not make such mistake again.

You, and your ability to argue, is devolving into rubbish trash talk fest of beside the point comments, and passive-aggressive ad person attacks, so I guess you really want to embarrass yourself.

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