Remove heavy SR loss for games with leavers

Ok i’ll be honest, i’ve never really been interested in competitive - seeing all the negative reviews and experiences I have always just done my placements and then gone back to quick play but for Season 10 i decided I would actually try it out.

My god, it’s at least as bad, if not worse than I expected!! Most of you really down play the horrendous experience that is Overwatch Competitive.

Im probably a fairly average player, I pretty much place in Gold but I decided that this season i’d play a little and see if i could climb. How hard can it be?

Well, apparently pretty much impossible. I have played 11(? i think?) post placement games, I believe i have 5 wins, 1 draw and 5 losses, which is probably about where you would expect to be, except for the overwhelming fact that all 5 of my losses came from games with leavers. I’m am trying to be 100% honest, but all 5 losses came from playing 5 vs 6.

I’m not saying by any means that they wouldn’t have been losses, but in a 5 vs 6 the odds are stacked overwhelmingly against you - so I would like to see some form of reduced penalty for those of us that actually act sportsmanlike, and despite the overwhelming odds, continue to play the match to its conclusion.

The game clearly knows when there is a leaver, it’s flagged up. If the game finishes with a leaver (on either side) i honestly think the loss should be mitigated somewhat for the team that stayed and fought on, as a reward for their behavior. Either reduce the SR loss to 0 (still allow the winning team their SR) or half it or something, make there be some form of consolation for the people that stay.

I find it overwhelmingly unfair on the team (even on the opposition) when they are almost guaranteed a loss, and HEAVILY penalised, due to no fault of their own. If Blizzard really want people to enjoy competitive, perhaps this would go some way towards actually making the experience a slight bit less awful.


When 6 People win points 6 other People have to lose them or the complete system makes no sense anymore , it would also be easily abused by stacks when you get 0 loss points, deal with it or stay out of comp

Thank you for your constructive points. You’ll probably note, if you read to the end, that I didn’t state it should be a hard 0. Just something to reward the players that try.

Not really sure how you could ever argue that was a bad thing.

I agree there is the chance for it to be abused, but at the same time almost 50% of my games have had leavers and, correct me if im wrong, but competitive shouldn’t be “the team with the first leaver loses”

Pretty sure it’s meant to be best team wins

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remove heavy SR loss in general. i won 3 games recently and lost 2 and ended up lower than when i previously started to climb. now people would claim that this is due to skill in the game but the truth is when you’ve got 3 golds and are pushing your team forward as i do then its not skill but blizzards disregard for rewarding its players. i think they just prefer to punish the people who enjoy their games.

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A compensation for the leaver’s team can and will be exploited.

Since the only requirement for that compensation is to have one leaver, you just need to convince or bully one of your team to leave so the rest will get a smaller penalty.

It is difficult to solve the problem. You have to implement a system that both can’t be exploited and doesn’t feel “unfair”.


Maybe some sort of % reduction on the loosing sr, while it gains more % the longer a team has a disadvantage. (this won’t go higher than 15%-25% max and starting only when there’s enough time passed to be in a hug disadvantage.
Just droping my idea.
The lesver gets a huge penalty ofc. And the reduction should not even be worth anything.


then, just go back playing QP, because of “muh SR”.

I just feel the loss on the remainder of the team is unfair. Why should 5 players be severely punished because 1 left.

I understand that SR basically needs to redistribute but like Destrolock suggested perhaps a % reduction for the players that stay to the end. The rest of the loss could just be bumped onto the player that left - increase the penalty for leaving mid game. Might help to be more of an incentive to stay to the end and a deterrent to leave early.

you cant punish just 1 dude, because if you uplift 6 people up the rank (winning team, 6 need to go down). It feels unfair, but doesn’t matter, as next time leaver occurs on the enemy team giving you an easy win for compensation (statistically).

Destrolock’s idea is good and I would like the maximum penalty for 5 stack to be around -5…-10 points. Actually when I think about it should be closer to -5.

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