Remove Lootbox for queueing as tank

Please remove Lootbox reward for queueing as tank in QP. It is a ridiculous reward and no actual incentive for good tank players to queue as their main role. On the opposite, it only makes casuals log in as tank only for the lootbox. They troll 1 game on or roadhog only to obtain the lootbox, whereas if you are dps you get this type of person almost every game. It is really annoying - people should queue as tanks if they want to play the role, not just for the lootbox.


Why do you want to increase queue times, this is a nice reward for those that chooses to play tank. and besides, this is just gives you a regular lootbox which are kinda useless.

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Because it doesn’t lead to better games. Besides, if forced role lock is so darn good there shouldn’t be incentives to play the less popular classes.

Same can be said for healers tho, also I like my free lootboxes so no thanks!

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No one who actually plays tank plays it for the lootboxes. It’s there so that DPS players would try out other roles instead of only playing DPS. Has basically nothing to do with role lock.

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Which is contradictory because people who don’t play other roles start at the same MMR as their best role, which leads to horrible games. So no, I’d rather not have others “try out” new roles. At least with the previous system you could try it for a bit then switch.

Have to give me more than a lootbox to make me want to play tank after what they have just done to all the shield tanks.

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Yea, because having to hold up the barrier at all times and instadie as soon as it broke was super fun. :slight_smile:

Doesn’t it depend on the rank, though? The tank’s only job in gold and below is basically just to go in and die so the dps can clean up after all the cooldowns were used.

I guess its a problem for the middle (around platinum). In GM I bet most guys can play every role decently. In gold and below most can not play any role decently.

I play tanks a great deal amount of time, and I queue as tank to get that 1 loot box for free every day. The reward is due to the low amount of players playing that role (almost always the tank role and many other times the support role). It helps queue times and it helps players learning one or more heroes. No player is forced to play the role but if they decide to do it, they will be rewarded if that role is low of players on that moment, helping (once again) with the queue time. And loot boxes are one of the most important things in this game (except for the players that do not care about cosmetic items).

I agree , this shouldn’t be in game in the 1st place. Or at least not in competitive mode.

I meant this for QP. Obviously in comp people who play bad on the tank role have to suffer the consequences. But in QP people get way too casual on tanks and pretty much wait for the game to be over so they can get their free lootbox. However if you are a dps or a healer and get such tanks in consecutive games, it is really annoying.

Don’t remove it. I like my daily roadlock match

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But i like my free loot box and coins

I mainly play between support/tank and I feel I should be rewarded if I play a tank as more often then not its having to put with bad DPS.

There are plenty of bad tanks and supports out there also so no you shouldn’t be rewarded.

Do people really do that? Play modes just for the lootboxes?
Lol, that seems so pathetic :smiley:

There were (not sure if they still exist) AFK custom games. You get into one then go to work/school and farm exp for levels and lootboxes without actually being on your computer.

You shouldn’t be surprised. After all Blizzard based their game’s longevity on lootbox sales. There are in fact games like Path of Exile where skins are worth about 40 dollars, almost the price of an AAA game. And people buy them.