Remove Sombra - Is there currently any plans to remove Sombra from OW2?

This thread want’s to know if Sombra is being removed, it also covers players grievances with Sombra and some recommended mitigations.

Are there any plans to remove Sombra? Her invisibility is broken, the idea that Moria’s Bionic Grasp doesn’t take Sombra out of her cloaking is WILD. How are you not even going to give supports, the easiest to pick, any way or reasonable defending themselves. Whilst, yes, it’s a team game, most players don’t have a competitive five stack and if they’re fortunate enough to have that then they won’t be on all the time. Subsequently, the team play aspect is not a reasonable justification for Sombra to stay in the game.

Sombra should be removed from the game and the fact that there are threats dating back to 2019 (From a quick glance) demonstrates that players are not being listened to. The idea that any character can feasibly stand next to someone’s spawn point and pick off weak characters as a viable gameplay strat endorsed (Through inaction by developers) is unreal.

If for whatever reason keep Sombra was a must, as if you’d signed some blood pact with the devil to watch humanity suffer needlessly, then at the very least consider these mitigations.

Support buff specifically against this hero, projectile perimeter triggers, i.e. you fire close enough, nothing crazy just a reasonable spray from life weaver to check corners etc pulls Sombra’s cloak off. Moria’s bionic grasp affects cloaking. No full clocking at at, just a HALO-esque translucent effect to give the eagle eye’d a fighting chance. Longer cool down / phased cloaking period. Baptised healing projectiles also have the ability to highlight enemy equipment AND Sombra cloaking to the team. Lucio impact range also a passive buff against Sombra to reveal at greater distance. I could go on, I honestly don’t know how much longer I can play OW2 with this going on. I’ve almost removed it a number of times and stuck at it purely because some friends play it but if this continues along with the smurfing, balancing and community sabotage I think I’ll be forced to move on.

Caveat, I have appreciated the visual Home Screen briefings on the patch notes and the developers intentions moving forward. For me this has been one of the reasons I’ve stayed because it’s demonstrated an intention to change.

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No. There are no plans to

Damnn sombra hate is like a disease, maybe it’s related with her virus ability.

I’m the only one who like to fight Sombras when playing support? Specially with Kiriko/Mercy

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Killing a sombra in a 1v1 while playing mercy is sooo satisfying.

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She is not so hard to handle if we keep in mind that there is a sombra on the game.

The first duel can be annoying since we can get caught by surprise, but after that is only a question of being prepared…

The only thing I would like would be maybe Hanzo being able to one shot her with a full charge HS


Killing a Sombra as any hero is satisfying hehehe :rofl:

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Killing them accidentally when they are invisible is the most satisfying


I can’t help but to feel that this is an actual skill issue. Sombra is incredibly situational, and incredibly easy to counter. In fact I would argue that she is the easiest countered hero in the game. She has low damage with short range and massive spread. On top of that, she requires extraordinary effort to bring general value to the team.


Sombra is what Mei was in OW1; to annoy people. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sombra and hanzo if you really started this.

Sombra = ghost with SMG bbbbbbalanced (rework her so invis is not permanent passive and it will be fine)
Hanzo = I play with my feet and headshot everyone. Tune down his arrows which are now 0.15m in diameter, bro, if you have dick of this LENGTH it’s even above average in most countries, but this is WIDTH