Remove tank class

The reason why tank is not fun to play is that if your team doesn’t understand the game and is bad, it results in tanks being the ones to die a lot or not be able to do a lot of pressure… Eventhough the issue is with the team, they will still blame you for everything. The tank queues are the shortest for a reason.

Perhaps we should start playing around with the idea of changing the tanks into a DPS variant so that there would only be two roles: DPS (3) & Supports (2)…


just need people to learn to play the basics of the game, each map and each mode

Deleting a role is a bit extreme.

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I actually like your idea considering this playerbase false accusation spam.

No tank, no blame.

The truth be told about support in general is that they are most of the time the ones with the biggest mouth screaming: tank diff or using team chat to be the most toxic person in your group.

So in a way i think you are completely right.


They’ll just blame someone else. It’s a player attitude problem.

They’ll look at the stats board, misunderstanding everything they’ve seen and pick their target. Role is irrelevant.

I’ve seen this a lot from support, so I agree.

Personally i think all classes have players that can be pretty bad, just like there are perfectly polite people.

There are different reasons that a specific class might get annoyed by, and sometimes you’re just unlucky to get one that’s had bad games and is already annoyed.

It’s almost like is a community thing, and not specific roles.

It’s a never ending cycle.

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It’s an interesting Idea but the difficulty comes in how you rework the tanks in such a way that they are playable and effective without stacking 3 of them every game becoming the optimum play.

A massive rework of every tank is a far more complex problem then just nerfing them and adding a second tank, going back to 6v6.

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go play 6v6 the players have been balancing in custom games. Best version of the game right now. Actually fun to play it.

It really is. OW was always more fun than OW2. The custom 6v6 games have blown OW2 out of the water.

Well they’ve been reworking the tanks to no avail. Wonder if they’ve picked up the Overwatch book and considered 6v6 as a viable option.