Remove tiers from comp!

If tiers would be removed and all sr could be grouped by matchmaking, smurfing wouldn’t exist. Right now the game is completely broken, bearly a sort of balanced game ever. If matchmaking were random, no sr limit the bad players would eventually improve too unlike now when gold level players stuck in bronze, smurfs and derankers ruin every tier.
For example right now it’s impossible to solo climb from bronze as a healer, due to so many games where team goes into 6 direction, refuse to contest point ever etc, either because they are very bad or simply deranking on purpose.


I’m pretty sure I could clean house as a support in bronze. Pick Lúcio and become the most annoying frog.

But no, competitive tiers (ie. competitive mode) should not be removed. QP is basically that already anyway.

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Artemis isn’t this the guy that told us that he couldn’t climb out of Silver because his teammates were too bad?

I can believe his teammates are bad. The problem is that his posts indicate that he’s no better.

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I can’t climb out of silver as tank…

The best way to climb on tank is 1tricking the strongest offtank at that time, currently many say D.Va (I agree). By doing this you’ll become really skilled at the one hero and over time you can expand your pool, but you have to play the game to learn, not the sake of playing. Identify your mistakes early and figure out how to improve on them.

This isnt a game is broken issue.

This is a the player base is broken issue.

Smurfing isnt caused by Blizzard, but by people looking to cheat and manipulate the system to benefit their wants.

The sooner people like that are called out and push out of the game the better.

Sadly, too many players think it is perfectly acceptable, so there is no pressure on Blizzard to do anything about it.