Rendering Device Lost (2024)

Recently, my game has begun crashing with the error message “Rendering Device Lost! Application Closing!” I have attempted many fixes, with the crash page here on blizzard as well as some mentioned on YT videos and other forum pages. None of the fixes I have tried have worked. I’ve scanned the PC for issues, I’ve adjusted game settings, I’ve disconnected most of my peripherals, I factory reset my PC, nothing worked. I have played overwatch for years and never had an issue, so I’m not sure what is causing this to happen. Nvidia apparently fixed a version of this issue in 2019, but I have fully updated drivers from what I can tell. I’m not really sure where to go from here, any help would be appreciated.

Hey Admiral, for your “Rendering Device Lost" error you’ll need to double check you’ve done all the steps here.

Once you’ve done that if the issue remains you can report this further by ticket and provide your system’s report files too.