Report/ban system is broken

the current report system in overwatch 2 is very abusable, especially taking into consideration, that an account will be sanctioned based simply on the amount of reports received, i have several friends in top 500, who have been banned playing on new accounts, because they are being mass reported for cheating, despite not cheating. i myself just got chat banned on this account, despite not even saying a single swear word ever, and ive played around 20 games on it. blizzard, pls fix


Whilst this is mostly true.

This isn’t technically.

In a singular match, if multiple people report 1 player it only carries the weight of 1 report.

So, if they are being actioned, it’s because different people in different games are reporting them.

If it’s false, as you’ll see example on twitter, it can be overturned, but takes a bit of grind to get that.

100% buddy, it gets abused a lot and has done for a long time now.

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Something definitely needs to change with how it works


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Well if I see new acc dominating in lobby and really outstanding compared to all others - I report it for smurfing or cheating, then it’s on blizzard side to look if it was one of those, or it was a false one and do nothing.
Ofc it would be fine if I was wrong and judjement was fair, but these days they don’t even look up if it’s true or false :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I imagine what you do is fairly common behaviour. No harm in it, report what you need to report.

it not funny anymore

Its the most abused system when the young population of this game feels angry. With the least kills/dmg, most deaths, flaming the whole team from support to tank. Telling ppl to switch heros, instead of contemplating on their own actions. Certain report for everyone in the team from that type of player.

Oh and not to mention that praise on the one mercy who rezzed them at the end of a team fight getting them both killed seconds later. Staggering even more.

It gets better the higher you rise in the ranks though, obviously ppl know more what they are doing and are more self aware. I would bet 90% of the accounts banned from mass reporting are plat and lower.

This automated system is donkey though, no argueing there.

Sad reality. :frowning: Get this a lot on games unfortunately.

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The solution is to never, ever spend money on this game, then you lose nothing when you get banned for nonsense by automated report system for the entitled children that now infest this game.


Very sensible advice.

If you give them money and time, they win. Doesn’t matter how much you complain about something, they’ve got what they want from you.

Its a sad advice, truth though. I paid more money on games, I rarely touch now, than on OW. Always with the tought “account can get banned anytime out of thin air”. Play it, rinse repeat if banned.

EULA says it, you sign it to play. Some is contradictary to EU law, but who gets a lawyer for couple thousand bucks to get couple hunderds back. Its a scam, so we play along.

Even if tomorrow there was an official statement “we removed/reworked the automated report system”, I wouldnt trust them. Once trust is broken, its hard to get it back.

And exactly why I just take the game for what it is. Mostly fun.

I play til I am not interested or having fun any more then move on to something else. That could be 2 games, that could be 11/12 like tonight.

All I focus on is having fun, and trying to be slightly better at whatever hero I pick each time. Nothing they offer for sale is of interest to me, but I do buy the battlepass. ÂŁ1 a week is nothing for a game I play fairly often.

Couldn’t have put it better myself.


did you know alt accounts are also (supposed to be) bannable?

Alt accounts aren’t

Smurfing is.

GOOD smurfing is bannable, disgusting people.